Monster Hunter

Tell me user, have you gotten all your shit from Mommy yet?

Attached: MHW-Render_Kulve_Taroth.png (999x600, 922.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

mhw[dot]poedb[dot]tw/eng/monster/Frozen Barioth

No need to get it from him, meld gold wyverian prints into kulve gems, then meld said gems into weapons.

First time player, taking my sweet sweet time with Iceborne content. Hope it doesn't kick me in the ass when I end up needing the event quests,

So Barry is apparently getting a Rare Species, weird choice of monster to give it to but ok

Attached: 1571057508221.jpg (85x71, 9.28K)

not yet game wont open still trying to fix it

Fellow GS Chads, are any of the new swords from Kulve worth getting? Better than blast Safi/Raging Brachy?

Attached: 1476162654107.jpg (480x484, 20.51K)

Kulve Taroth has retreated.


>Long 7 doesn't exist
that was the whole point of this event
everything else is useless

Attached: 1465264887719.png (597x800, 614.23K)

Give proofs


Kjarr weapons might be good for a Frostcraft setup but I dunno if it'll be better than the meta shit since that means not having a point of Frostcraft on your weapon to replace the garbage Velkhana armor
Wait for Velk Gamma set maybe

I don’t play GS but Kulve weapons generally have better elemental damage with less raw.

Blue sharpness..? Are you serious right now? ..Blue sharp-ohmygod...

Got posted ln /mhg/ last night, supposedly got datamined in the new update
mhw[dot]poedb[dot]tw/eng/monster/Frozen Barioth
According to some leddig dataminer it IS indeed in the files.

Attached: 6l47Zns.png (512x1024, 506.68K)

where the fuck is my artian layered armor crapcom

Attached: 1549485065904.jpg (550x550, 62.68K)

Its gonna be Alatreon. Also mfw destroying Kulve with the Kjarr ice just like in HR but this time I dont have to stare at that ugly ass design

Attached: 1545068410427.png (498x844, 345.55K)

Is element SnS still shit compared to raw?

>insect glaive is actually really good against Kulve and guarantees a mount or two in final phase for easy horn break

Attached: 1563626426823.jpg (727x727, 38.6K)

Yes but nothing stops you from running Safi elemental sns with frostcraft and getting high raw together with some bonus elemental crits on normal slashes.

So, why are we killing her?

I'm in the same boat as you. Picked up the hammer. Seems like the best way to use it is to charge it, tenderize the head, and smack away. The hard part is tenderizing monsters without getting thrown off. Any tips for this besides traps?

wtf should I do when it goes to the middle and makes gold fall from the roof in the whole area

Horn break is easy to begin with. You should have the horns broken near the start of the final phase.

so does this mean Alatreon isn't getting an icon?

I don't like her

AHHHHHHH, I can't solo her, she keeps running away the last phase no matter what and I hate it. Does it even matter if I break parts or not? Should I just dump Part Breaker for something that gives attack? Or is it just a matter of git gud?

Haul ass to the entrance or the opposite corner
Or panic dive

Instead of sweet Sand Barioth we get frozen monster #472912

>can transmog SnS into Witcher Swords and enjoy a slim SnS design with your character punching monsters instead of using clumsy shield

Attached: 1571764045759.jpg (806x344, 140.61K)

Alatreon got a brand-new icon for IB, but it wasn't added in the update, if the leak is real then they slipped up and left the Barioth icon in the files before it was supposed to be announced.
Just meld it dude.

Attached: MHWI-Icono_Alatreon.png (340x335, 166.6K)

there's still a DPS check in the final phase, so realistically your best chance is breaking the head and somehow landing bombs and other shit on it


It seems like you do need to break her other parts first. I did some runs where I went glass cannon and only attacked the horns but she fled in the first phase every time.

Am I retarded for running Kjarr Ice CB on my artillery up CB build with 3 HB/OG decos, guard 3, guard up, artillery 5 and max agi?

Yes because power element CB doesnt benefit from artillery


Ah, fuck
I agree

So what the fuck, is there any way to reduce the damage her lava pools do? If you get stuck against her when shes barfing out fire onto the ground you get roasted in seconds.

>shes getting ready to start doing the attack
>aaaaaaa fuck run away
>get stuck on her kazar milkers while shes moving around and still over the laval pool
>die in 3 seconds

Man I really wish elemental hammer wouldn't suck.

I just NEB Kulve Hammer Sleep and have happy life