WoW retail

>Log into WoW for first time in months
>Entire chat channels are just people selling/buying boosts
>Nobody actually looks for groups to do content or buys/sells items in the channels now

What the fuck happened man? Why does nobody just want to play the content and enjoy it, rather than getting boosted through everything. How do they fix this problem?

Attached: wow boosts.png (489x212, 221.18K)

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LMAO fucking boomers.

retail is completely dead. only people still playing are those boosters, coomers and autists. there's no reason to play right now.

I'm just gonna LFR the latest raid tier then probably not log in again, it's still sad to see though

>What the fuck happened man?
Tokens were the last straw. You can officially get gold directly from Blizzard and then buy everything in the game.

Also, people from 3rd world countries realized that boosting morons in WoW could make them pretty good money.

>How do they fix this problem?
Ahaha. They don't. Blizzard profit from it.

Make your own group

yep, blizz will never fix or put any effort into retail ever because they make easy money not fixing it.

*Makes new cash store mount*
*Giga Blizzdrone autists spend millions on it for each of their accounts*

They have a sweet deal going

Whales are keeping WoW alive, user. That's why sub count doesn't matter for Blizzard anymore.

[2. Trade - City] [Anonymous]: You fucking retard.

I mean, what is there to buy and sell in neo-WoW anyhow? To my understanding it basically doesn't even have enchants. Never mind that the game throws money at you in such huge quantities that "necessary" costs are negligible in general, implying that there basically is no point even trying to find better deals. Ditto for looking people for groups given that faceroll artificial difficulty modes exist: any convenience and time savings from faster clear are lost in having to create the group.

PuGs have shifted to the group finder tool since it's cross realm, while boosts are in trade channels because they not cross-realm (can't trade gold across realms). It's been this way since WoD or Legion, can't remember.

Btw if you're on American servers expect jajaja shitters in the PuGs.

gotta make those tokens before shadowlands

All the content people consider relevant is too hard for most people so people buy boosts to get the mount rewards, achievements etc from shit they can't do.

It's not hard, every boss just needs to have 50 abilities and phases now

Bullshit, Mythic raiding has been FAR too difficult since ToS came out. It's just been fucking stupid since that point.

It is hard. Current mythic content is light years ahead of anything pre Cataclysm.

Honestly, Blizz should either acknowledge world first race as legit esports or just drop it altogether and heavily punish boosters. Right now it's the worst of two worlds.

Right now, it makes Blizzard the most money. You don't have to pretend it's balanced, and you can literally buy power.

Mastery corruption pants = 4 million gold

take it easy with the reddit spacing

Blizzard fucked themselves by designing content for the world first autists.

Now most players either
>Faceroll easy content that is 0 challenge because Blizz have to make mechanics forgiving compared to Mythic
>Buy boosts
>Don't bother raiding

Heroic is too easy, Mythic is too hard unless you're an autist. It's fucked

This user right here, he gets it. I don't currently understand the point of "normal". I know of guilds who are still struggling with Heroic N'Zoth. But those people are such retards that in reality they shouldn't even have 4/12 in heroic.

Bring it back to two difficulties, LFR/Normal And Heroic/Mythic as the two brackets. And bring back fucking 10-man. I just want to play with my small knit group of bros who know how to play.

filter them and look for your stupid groups, it's that easy

11/12 mythic here. thanks to people like you, who can't form the two brain cells required to do their +15s, or 5 mask clears, or heroic nya runs, I've made over 1k in rwt last month just playing a game I like. not to mention I bought shadowlands and have 2 years worth of sub atm. keep buying those wow tokens so that I can keep playing for free. thank you.

WoW don't need players like you anymore. It's all about delusional boosters who are working for minimal hourly wage or even lower and whales.

Player-ran services in MMO's are kino. I wish all the rares were just tradeable like in RuneScape. Chads can go raid for loot and wagecucks can spend their fishing pittances on the loot. That's what keeps raids fun instead of just being a chore.

>Ruin all form of progression

Fuck off

On Tarren, Ragnaros, Silvermoon, Ravencrest etc, high pop decent rated servers, there is always fags spamming the /2 with WTS NYALOTHA BOOST!!!11!!1
do yourself a favour and tab trade chat or just leave the channel all together.
Use local defense and general to talk to actual people, works alright.

Dumbest shit I've ever heard. If someone is too bad to raid they should be able to wageslave for coins and buy it from raiders directly.

>He doesn't know about BoE's

I wish the Koreans' GDKP system took off on western servers.

I bet you're one of the retards that complained about item reserving in classic. Player to player transactions for various services is one of the few ACTUAL rp elements available in this shitty mmo"rp"g.
Also, there's an entire separate feature that lets you find/form premade groups for running content. Try reading what's actually on the UI next time, dipshit.

WoW has been made into anti-fun by the Blizzard fanbase. Everything is min max, muh logs, muh progress scores... people will pay for gold and boosts if it gives them the illusion of skill. It's a game for people that need to feel better than others in life, and will stop at no cost to attain it - much like Hearthstone.

>Items binding at all
Garbage system that WoW introduced to the genre. Imagine actually thinking rare should be an inevitability or "progression" instead of just making it actually fucking rare and prestigious like it should be. Having raids be actually challenging for maybe two encounters must be a lot of fun until the entire raid is showered with loot and the content is trivialized from that point forward. Oh, a duplicate dropped? Better DE it. Fucking stupid.

>Nzoth died like a bitch

Still feels bad

>waah why do you want progression in an RPG

Kill yourself, you killed the genre

know about bind on equip is... what?