>consoles you've owned
>current CPU and GPU
>3 favorite games
>3 favorite vidya characters
Other anons guess your race and sexuality based on your answers
Consoles you've owned
>xbox, ps2, psp, nds, ps3, ps4
>gtx 1060
>gta 4, midnight club los angeles, yakuza 0
>idk like kiryu, majima and akiyama i guess
>PS1 PS2,3DS
>1080TI, 8700K
>jagged alliance 2, underrail, diablo 2
>wirramu sama from nioh, snake, the stranger from furi
>consoles you've owned
PS1, GBA, PS2, DS, PS3, DSi, PS Vita, PS4, 3DS, Switch
>current CPU and GPU
Ryzen 5 3600 + Zotac 2070 Super Mini
>3 favorite games
Ghost Trick, Team Fortress 2, and Bayonetta
>3 favorite vidya characters
Garrus Vakarian, The Scout (TF2), and Missile (GT)
>ps2, original xbox, gamecube, psp, ps3, 3ds/nds, ps4
>gtx 1080
>jacket from hotline miami, doomguy/slayer, samus from metroid
forgot to add my fucking favorite games lmao
doom 2016, hotline miami 2, soma (the horror game)
>Atari, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, N3DS, Gamecube, GBA
>Ryzen 5 2600, AMD RX580
>Transistor, SMTIII:Nocturne, Starcraft 1 + BW
>Zeratul, Arthas, Walter from SMTIV
Not top 3, just 3 favorites.
>4770k 1070 ti
>gothic 2, gta sa, mountain blade
>mike toreno, jc denton, tommy angelo
>R5 1600X, RTX2060
>Final Fantasy Tactics, Battle Network, Half life 2
>atari 2600, nes, snes, n64, gamecube, wii, wii u, switch, gb, gbp, gbc, gba, ds, dsi, 3ds, genesis, saturn, dreamcast, xbox, 360, xbox one, ps1, ps2, ps3, ps4, psp, psvita, vitatv, wonderswan, wonderswan color, neo geo x.
>don't care
>Tales of Legendia, TMNT Turtles In Time, Maximo 2
>Senel Coolidge, Brian (quest 64), Protoman .
NES, Gamecube, Wii, Switch, PS3, DS, 3DS
3600x and 5700
Tetris, Dominions 5 and Thief
Rosalina, Kuradoberi Jam, Yukiko Amagi
>GBC, GBA, NDS, Wii, 3DS, Switch
>8700k, 1080
>Custom Robo Arena, Metroid Prime, Cave Story
>Samus, Richard Conway (Gunpoint), Makoto (P3)
>consoles you've owned
Atari Lynx, Gamegear, Gameboy, SNES, PS1.
>current CPU and GPU
Ryzen 7 3700X & 2080ti
>3 favorite games
Doom, Morrowind, Jagged Alliance 2
>3 favorite vidya characters
Max Payne, Dagoth Ur, Vivec. Although I nearly wrote "the three Max": Payne, Max from Sam & Max, and Max from MDK.
>SNES, PS1, N64, GBC, PS2, Xbox, GC, NDS, PSP, PS3, Wii, Switch
>i7-4790k, rx 580
>Max Payne 1, Fallout:NV, GTA:VC
>Max Payne (MP1), Soldier (TF2), Dick Kickem
You're meant to (You) each other, anons
i5-3570k / GTX660
Rock Band 2, Victoria 2, Civilization 4
Cecil (FFIV), Clive Winston (GH2), Geralt
lmao @ all the faggots ITT wanting validation but not bothering to talk to one another.
Pathetic thread as usual.
definitely gay
"P-Please validate me, a-user!"-fags on suicide watch already, absolutely seething cause I speak the truth.
tranny philippino
Let's assume these three losers are actually three losers and not one giant sack of shit. Here they are defending the thread, but...I don't see a single person using OP's thread for what it was made for: guessing race and gender.
What's wrong, bozos?
>speak the truth
did you user? or did you just want some (you)s
>PS2, PS4, Wii, DSi, PSP,
>Ryzen 5 3600 + EVGA 2070 Super XC Ultra
>Megaman X, Bloodborne, Titanfall 2
>Zero (Megaman Zero), Terry Bogard, and Akuma
The only people who want (You)s are the 'people' posting in this thread, but it seems everyone wants to feel a bit special so they only post specs rather than guess AND post specs.
> NES, Master System, Mega Drive, Game Gear, Gameboy, PS1, Saturn, PS2, Xbox OG, Dreamcast, PS3, XoneX
> Ryz 2700x, 5700xt
> X-com,Diablo, Golden Axe
> JC denton, Gfreeman, gilius thunderhead
Ps2 ps4 ds
Sapphire Radeon R9 270X 2GB GDDR5
pentium dual core e5300
Max Payne is my only favorite game character
PS4, Switch, PS3, X360, Wii U, PS2, GC, DC, Vita, 3DS, PSP
Intel 3750K and Nvidia 1060
Star Ocean 2, Terranigma, Mega Man X1
Maria from SO3, X from Command Mission, Ryo from AoF.
Amiga. Commidore, NES, SNES. PS1, N64, PS2, PS3, XBOX, XBOX 360.
Ryzen 3600, 2060 super
Ffxii, gta5, witcher 3.
Geralt, John Marston, Vera
>>consoles you've owned
NES, SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, DS Lite, New 3DS, N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, Switch, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, Vita, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One X
>>current CPU and GPU
i5 6600K, 1060 6 GB
favorite games
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Bloodborne, Resident Evil 4
favorite vidya characters
Bayonetta, Leon Kennedy, Olgierd von Everec
Snow nigger
im black and straight so you were half right
>saturn, ps1, ps2, ps3, psp, dreamcast, x360, wii
>ryzen 7 2700
>gtx 960
>skies of arcadia, ape escape 3, gta iv
>niko bellic, tommy vercetti, solid snake
>consoles you've owned
SNES, PS1, PS2, PS3, XBOX360, PS4
>current CPU and GPU
Intel I5-4590 and GTX960
>3 favorite games
Metal Gear Solid 3, Witcher 3 and GTA San Andreas
>3 favorite vidya characters
Solid Snake, Raziel, Geralt
forgot to mention but I owned a genesis as well
Gameboy, Genesis, N64, PS2, Gamecube, DS, Wii, 3DS, PS3, 360, XBone
i5 4690K/EVGA GTX 980
>Favorite Vidya Characters
Travis Touchdown, Dudley, Max Payne
I can't make a guess on someone based on the information given so I don't bother.
Well, i'm white, but not slav. Also, straight. Almost, user.
White and straight but with a mild trap fetish to convince yourself you're not completely boring.
Everyone in this thread
Straight, but not white.
>playing video games
>having video game systems
>admiring video game characters
All nigger faggots
>G4560/RX570 8GB
>Max Payne/PE2/Freedom Fighters
>Max Payne (MP1)/Serious Sam/Gabe Logan