Are you looking forward to Gears Tactics, Yas Forums? It's coming out in 5 days

Are you looking forward to Gears Tactics, Yas Forums? It's coming out in 5 days.

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Unironically yes. It looks competent and it's going to be on the €1/$1 PC Games Pass so why the fuck not


I might check it out if they remove the stronk black wymin.

>remove wymin
its like youve never played a gears of war game before

all gears games have women

Theres a difference between a mission coordinator and a impossibly strong soldier

>skip to middle of video
>literally the same lines as xcom around soldiers/for movement/...
>similar hud
>same cover mechanic
How uninspired.

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liking what i'm seeing so far for it. Grandpa diaz and the scottish grandpa also seem like cool characters

Moreso than xcom chimera, the the changes to the muton and sectoid design in that are really offputting

but user every character in the franchise is an impossibly strong soldier

I've actually preloaded it, believe it or not


Kill yourself.

yeah gears definitely stole that cover mechanic from xcom

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Nobody is saying that, but the way it's implemented is literally identical to xcom down to the fucking graphics of the half filled/filled shield

Looks better than chimera squad so yes

thats a pretty low bar to be honest

it looks like XCOM 2.5 Gears mod

don't reply to shill threads

Is there permadeath? Building up an ace squad from zeroes to heroes is the biggest draw of XCOM for me.

IIRC it's mostly permadeath but with a few immortal story characters

i really dislike the way they did the movement, anybody who played this or any similar xcom clones know if it works good or not?

I'm a sucker for most turn based games, that said i won't pay for it but i will play it.

I'll give it a whack since it's on gamespass. Can't be worse that GoW5.

Yes but I need my xcom itch scratched

Lazy to watch the video, isn't it just click to move?

well how the fuck would you do cover mechanics?
do you want them to do a somersault first or maybe a little dance before they get into cover?

CoH and Men of war did cover fist and it's not even TB, it's just a very obvious and intuitive mechanic.

yes atually wish they'd put out more fucking gameplay footie though

nuxcom babbys get the fuck out
we get it, you're mad this looks better than xcom

No I mean instead of tile based movement its like Jagged Alliance

Yeah. If its not easy and linear itll be GOTY most likely

and that's a good thing
tile movement sucks dick

If you read about how cover works in tactics it's not really the same as Xcom. For example you can actually use cover at any position since it doesn't have a grid system, also you can slide into cover, extending your possible movement range from what I understand, so it's somewhat tied into movement as well.

I didn’t like a single new Gears of War game since the third. I fucking loved the original games, but after judgement, I stopped caring. I’d go as far as to say the gameplay is boring and has failed to innovate beyond its standard cover/fire controls in the past 10 years.

I'll play this instead of Diversity Squad.
Not sure I like the focus on chain kills but we'll see.

ok, you're butthurt about gears for "reasons"
how does this apply to gears xcom