greetings Yas Forums
i'm making a game and i need your opinion since you are my target audience. looking for both content and gameplay ideas
thanks and have a nice day
greetings Yas Forums
i'm making a game and i need your opinion since you are my target audience. looking for both content and gameplay ideas
thanks and have a nice day
A game like hitman but you play as a yandere anime girl instead.
i'm looking to expand the text rpg in the op, 3d and 2d graphics are too hard to make
>Thai clinic
If you want to continue your shitty wojack clicker game. Try making the core gimmick all windows can be moved around and interact with eachother to generate additional currencies. Like boyfriends made after Thai clinic can be moved near girlfriends made as a Chad to generate cuck coins. That can be used in other transformations or to increase efficiency or buy upgrades in another form. Basically loop everything into eachother with the gimmick being having to manage a incredibly busy screen space.
If it's just a meme game don't take it too far. The novelty is lost the longer it drags on and the references will feel more dated
>i'm looking to expand the text rpg in the op
Implement a wizard route. The chad status should only be given to people who balance vidya, cunny, and sex
Tranny status should require being a faggot first, ideally have a female (male) route for people who don't choose the tranny option
Here's a million dollar advice from your target audience.
Don't target Yas Forums as your audience.
w-what happens when you click post cunny button? Asking for a friend.
>no doug button
>shitty wojack clicker game
i was going for something like a fallen london reskin, but i need to pad out the gameplay somehow, and clicking is better than waiting 10 minutes for an action. plus it's usually fun.
but i don't want it to be a clicker per se
>Like boyfriends made after Thai clinic can be moved near girlfriends made as a Chad to generate cuck coins.
nice, that's the plan
>The novelty is lost the longer it drags on and the references will feel more dated
i want it to have at least a couple of hours of content, without padding. since it's rext based i only need images and ideas, in a month top it will be finished i have nothing better to do because quarantine
>Implement a wizard route. The chad status should only be given to people who balance vidya, cunny, and sex
Tranny status should require being a faggot first, ideally have a female (male) route for people who don't choose the tranny option
kino ideas, will definitely implement them, but i want the core idea to be balanced. what would be the routes?
>w-what happens when you click post cunny button?
whatever you want, i can implement it, that's why i'm here
just give up, that’s fucking gay as fuck, take your wojak point and click adventure and fuck right off
Yas Forums will hate anything you will put out no matter what because they hate everything
Hearty kek first thing in the morning.
Make a "making it" simulator, where you need to just make game, and anons on Yas Forums and /agdg/ are constantly getting you down for the waste of air fucking mongoloid you are. Would play, 10/10.
definitely adding a gamedev route. also a speedrunning route, with being tranny being a requirement
disable transition if sexes count > 0
good point.
gonna also add a janitor route
here's an early idea of the janny route, pretty barbones but i think it's a good start
add a shop (run by todd)
make switch a purchasable item
make buying the switch disable the sex button
onions route is nice.
so far we have:
>incel (starting class)
>tranny route
>chad route
>soi route
>wizard route
>suicide route(s)
Different endings and suicide method for each status. So tranny would get statistics improved, incel killing spree and so on.
Make it change to "remove actual discussion" as soon as you hover it.
Jannies never remove shitposts
Why do you force wojaks into everything?
How about you draw your own shitty mspaint faces instead of using template wojacks. it would give your game a lot more charm and people would have more interest. as it is right now its just regurgitated shitposting.
+1 to janny's seethe level. When the level reaches a certain number, the janny transitions out of butthurt.
How the fuck is the incel having sex? Your game is stupid.
extremely based, each route definitely needs an ending.
webm related
i don't care about graphics for now, these are placeholders
btw since this will be a real and well balanced game, i need 4 main stats, that will be used by all the actions/routes. potential candidates are:
you start as an incel, and your goal is to stop being incel. having sex will become a lot harder in the final version
>mental illness
it needs to be something that can go up and down and influence the possible routes
are good. cleanliness might be a derived stat
autism and iq can't go up and down, they might be hardcoded stats from the beginning.
collectibles, like gfs
>iq can't go up and down, they might be hardcoded stats from the beginning
That's not true, we have all lost at least 5 points of IQ each from using this shithole site.