I FUCKING LOVE HISTORY: the game company
I FUCKING LOVE HISTORY: the game company
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Maybe 10 years ago.
brb guys starting my Großportugalen playthrough. Any tips
>everyone screaming for Victoria 3
>it'll be shit
Why must we suffer?
I fucking love dlcs
>I LOVE FUCKING HISTORY: the game company
My problem with GS map games with real countries that I can't really pick flavor separate of difficulty.
Like in ck2 playing france, or HOI playing US or in vic playing UK. The game is so stacked in your favor you might aswell not play them unless you RP / choose your own specific goals. I feel all these games have only a handful of countries that are interesting/cool and challenging at the same time.
Atleast in CK2 you can start as some count and carve your own empire as time goes on.
In what game
I'll lose my shit if/when Vic3 is announced. How come Paradox have been unable to make a game as great as Vic2? They have had plenty of time.
More like
why would you be excited? More population M A N A my king???
Any other anons with a history degree?
>Haven't played HoI IV in a year
>Give it another go
>Deep into 1945 somehow some randomly released Middle Eastern country forces itself into being my puppet
>Declares wars on four countries at once including the US
>Somehow also get dragged into these shitfests
What the fuck did they do with this game? It wasn't like I was playing some overhaul mod or anything either, it was all default shit
the first steam game I played was magicka. I fucking wish they made a sequel to that game that isn't shit.
I've never even heard of that happening
I've never seen a company fall from grace so bad as paracucks.
>EU 3
>HoI 3
>Vicky 2
>CK2 (pre EU4 era)
All were great games. Then EU4 arrived, along with HoI 4 and everything became casual mana filled trash with shitty dlcs that add nothing worthwhile.
Yeah, it's the reason I always play italy or egypt in vic2. Challenging but not impossible.
Unfortunately good AI is hard to make, so the game difficulties are just the ai cheating one way or another.
>death by 1000 cuts: the DLC model
>Shadow hitler
>Removes prison camps from a ww2 game
>Roman female generals
>Cant in any way harm jews (only in the ironic ways of crusader kings 2)
Yeah im sure they love what they think is history.
>Are you sure this will help us sell more history games?
>History games?
Good Paradox games:
Darkest Hour
Considering you could already be a flaming homosexual in CK2 I'm not sure I see what the problem here is
Am I a fucking FAGGOT if I kinda enjoy them? I don't have friends, so I can never experience EU4 multiplayer
There were no such thing as "asexual" before the 2000. For the gay shit i agree with you.
More like it's randomly forced on you because of the SJW agenda
Imagine having a ruler that won’t reproduce and calling that a feature
It's sad that, if you look at HOW current Paradox came to be, they literally became the very thing they hated.
Mana is meme, though. They took it out of Imperator and I don't really see it coming back ever to any game.
No I was just poking fun how they currently balance and make their games with multiplayer in mind
Ah yes, steady road to homogenizing all the games and balancing them to a point they unplayable dull. I have no idea how multiplayer how blipped on Paradox's GS radar.
>I don't really see it coming back ever to any game
Just wait until their next big release.
This isn't a thing in Hoi4 unless you're playing some sort of mod. The Middle East nations are literally designed to sit there and do nothing except get declared on by Soviets/UK if playing alternate history.
ugh... what could have been...
I forget they're a pretty notable publisher as well.
The only mod I have on is the tech tree one that extends the game into the 1960s, but it doesn't mess with focus tress. Maybe it *was* something with that?
Because out of nowhere Syria popped into existence and forced itself on me as Germany.
>I don't really see it coming back ever to any game
>They took it out of Imperator
They did? Is the game good now?
>I have no idea how multiplayer how blipped on Paradox's GS radar.
Unironically e-celebs and Reddit balancing.
IIRC the 15-years-long truce retardation was added to EU4 because of 1 (one) faggot who kept pestering the game's subreddit.
>dat feel when too much of a smooth brain to enjoy their games
might as well be spreadsheets for me
EU2 blew my mind when it came out and I keep coming back to it. I had a great run in Vicky 2 as Argentina and was fighting tooth and nail to take over South America when France and the UK intervened and just showed up and ruined everything. Pretty funny. I’ve lost interest in the more recent Paradox games. Nothing can recreate the magic of EU2.
Maybe not as a term, but pretty sure like low test was still a possible thing to where you have no sex drive. Didn't Tesla choose to stay a virgin?
What's the mana in HoI4? Political Power?
if EU2 is as railroaded as I hear then you might enjoy the Kaiserreich mod of Darkest Hour
>What's the mana in HoI4?
lmao this nigger
>EU2 blew my mind when it came out and I keep coming back to it.
Are you me? I spent countless hours playing it back in the day.
Autism: the game company, you mean.
CA would be more appropriate.
>Is the game good now?
So what's keeping Stellaris an ongoing thing still?
if eu4
ally france ASAP
gtfo England from alliance
declare on spain and take galiza leon gibraltar
boom done ez
>There are people out there that unironically think any of their games are accurate beyond the first few years of playtime
I'm being serious. The only thing that seems like mana is political power.
Grand strategies in a nutshell
There must have been kids who played older EUs and got into games that way.
what about experience, you silly goose
Why the fuck does terrain have no effect on combat width in EU4?
Somehow I got it installed on my work laptop despite the admin password requirement so I can play it in hotel rooms while I’m on business trips. The soundtrack is the best in any game ever.
It used to, but paracucks decided that it was too "unbalanced", so they culled it.
Wait, how is combat experience mana? Am I misunderstanding the concept of mana here? I took it as just an arbitrary number that steadily goes up/refills itself over time for no real reason. Combat experience goes up by well, fighting and that's a mechanic that actually makes a lot of sense.
>based Vicky II has two huge expansions and that's it
Life will be suffering in Vicky III, as they drop 20 small DLCs that hardly change anything each for $15 a piece.
I just want a Vicky III for 64-bit and Steam workshop support, which will spur more and easier modding.
ugh... what could have been...
They removed it at some point, idk why, and idk if some mods kept it.
I mean it somewhat makes a bit of sense but to play devil's advocate it created some silly situations where 8k men could hold off 30k because combat width was 4, regardless of offense or defense
Dude, why are you even considering buying a potential V3 developed by modern day Paradox?
I've only ever played civ which if I understand is baby tier in terms of complexity. Whats the concensus of the best of their games
To be fair, when most people complain about mana it's usually EU4 since it's pretty much involved with everything. Bad mana income? (I,E bad rulers?) You're signifacantly hampered in keeping up with your opponents technology and ideas wise, which can be fatal later on the in game (especially if you're in asia)
Paradox games might seem a bit overwhelming at first but once you've figured them out you realize it all boils down to constantly keeping a handful of similar things in check.
I also play civ4 regularly (used to play 5 a bit, now feel more like 4) and they're certainly not baby tier
I FUCKING LOVE SELLING DLCs: the game company