Guild Wars 1 15th anniversary celebration continuation thread. How you celebrated? I coomed 3 times in a row

Guild Wars 1 15th anniversary celebration continuation thread. How you celebrated? I coomed 3 times in a row...

Attached: Female_Necromancer_Dance.gif (286x200, 382.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>paragon gets an insanely powerful team buff, can keep all his party members at 20 attributes indefinitely
>warrior gets a bitchin IAS and attribute boost, can also run weapon swap builds if he wants
>mesmer gets a mini Essence of Celerity that costs nothing but energy
>ranger gets a big damage boost and regen to his party that's almost impossible to be removed

>monk gets a shitty elite melee attack that's worse than earth shaker and takes 15 minutes to recharge and doesn't even benefit much from having divine favour points so it's better used by warriors anyways

Attached: monk.png (200x200, 11.56K)

Why doesn't this game ever go on sale

That feeling of slipping right back into the routines of this game after half a decade off is the best.
It just plays so well, and there's been nothing like it since.
Wish there was a GW2 style trading post for getting rid of all my trash minis and greens, though. I fucking hate manual trading.

Im a poorfag, should i bust my whole wallet on max armor or get it through collectors?

How much of this can I do on my own

Currently getting as many Proofs as possible across my 6 accounts to get tons of the weapons for when they disappear. I started playing GW1 again 4 years ago and haven't stopped since.

>putting wojak spam in the OP
eeh, no

might try to use that in my monk dagger spam

It's a hammer attack so you'll need to weapon swap. Also, if SoJ wasn't already part of your bar then this won't really change anything since it's a worse SoJ.

that's gw2 team in charge of balancing professions


I already got GWAMM and HoM level 50; should I bother grinding for several obnoxious titles I haven't gotten yet, try getting titles for my other characters, or move on with my life?

>several obnoxious titles
Such as?

Alliance faction, chest opening, gold identifying, lucky, unlucky, gamer, and Zaishen chests.

I'm lazy to
>Retrieve my old Arenanet account (if it still exists)
>Download all the content in the game.

nah fuck them
you can go to pvx to see if any team builds interests you, if not then life goes on

I never played through the expansions and thought now would be as good a time as any but fuck dude. Lot of money to spend on an ancient mmo.


Attached: ranger3.png (608x1066, 1.21M)

Do you still enjoy the game ? Continue playing : Move on with your life

Not him, but I have several GWAMM characters. I tend to do a lot of speedclears these days and try for records while also attempting to make new builds to challenge the meta. There's always a lot more that you can do in the game, but that all depends on how much you seek to look outside the box. Casual players who simply like to enjoy the content, complete all provided options and call it a day won't find much after GWAMM, but more devoted players who enjoy messing around with basically a build sandbox and trying to reach maximum efficiency will be able to stay entertained for years after.

Time fire up the old installer and check out all the birthday presents that have stacked up

Best way to farm money?

>When the Jeremy Soule soundtrack hits
Nostalgic. Epitome of soule

Farm Gifts of the Traveler each week and sell
Farm Pcons during holidays and sell stacks
Farm rare skins via speedclears and sell
DoA speedclear for armbraces
Do daily zaishen quests for zcoins
Farm HA for Zkeys

>Still can't beat Temple of the Intolerant even with OP Ranger Elite.
I'm never gonna get my Kryta back to normal am I? I don't give a shit about the stupid HoM weapons, I just want my Kryta back. Why oh why oh why aren't you allowed to abandon War in Kryta?

Doing War in Kryta? Want me to help your scrub ass?

Neat. Some of this stuff used to cost a bundle afaik but its probably worthless now.

Back to playing Bannerlord I guess.

Attached: gw001.jpg (577x202, 49.83K)

Wait till you get to Winds of Change.

Everlasting Kunna is 50e
Here's your price checker, bro.

>yesterday: 3 threads with 500 replies
>today: 1 thread with 30 replies
Stay classy, Yas Forums.

They really didn't add much and most of us already accomplished everything.

>Drop MMOs for a decade.
>Decide to check GW out again.
>Had GW and all the expansions.
>Account apparently got wiped, can't recover access.
