Rules : No shotgun , C4 , RPG , no camping , Clans are welcom .....

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Why did servers die? Matchmaking is such trash. I'd rather play on a christian server with rules like no RPG than p2p matchmaking.

New BF games still have server lists.

Why were shotguns always banned? The fucking time delay M320 grenades were cancer

>Why were shotguns always banned?
Some people just hate fun

>You will never play 24/7 metro again with pre-nerf shotgun frag rounds
>Or will pre-nerf Recon drones running over everyone

I miss her so much.

>Play BFBC2
>Shotgun with slugs
>Get the dot crosshair
>Put dot on enemy, compensate for slug drop
>Shoot them
>They die

>Play BF3
>shotgun with slugs
>Get this big wide fucking circle crosshair
>have to gauge where the center of the circle is
>Shoot them

>Rules : No shotgun , C4 , RPG , no camping
>on Metro
>a map that's literally made for all of the above

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Lol I bought all the DLC for this game after Battlefield 4 came out and all the DLC maps were dead.
I felt so fucking stupid.
I really did like that cool tank destroyer map in the DLC where it was really just vehicle combat.
I also liked that one map with the circling C-130 or C-5 galaxy (whatever it was) above.
Only got to play them a few times.

Then all the servers that were left were 24/7 metro and caspian border. Which, really aren't bad, but the game had so much more to offer.
DLC holds a lot of games back.

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>Play BF3
>AA12 with frags
>Shoot just about where someone might be
>Hit thru cover
>They die

It was the game of the decade
BF1 and V were an insult
Just hoping for some kind of BF3 reboot to save the license.

>playing on a regular conquest server on Firestorm (I don't think it even had Metro in rotation)
>kill someone with a Saiga
>get autokicked with a message "SHOTGUN NOOB! shotguns not allowed!!!"
Why the fuck were baddies so triggered by shotties in BF3/4?

The tank destroyers were cool, but the APCs were stealth OP and it's hilarious to me they didn't get nerfed.

Thats the only good thing about battlepass economy with "free for everyone" maps.

It's beneficial if you dont give a double fuck about cosmetics and want to enjoy new maps for free.

However this was BFV's model but they released fuck all and the game felt so much smaller than even BF4 at launch.
I migrated to fucking call of duty because of BFV.

Probably cause they got PTSD from the sniper slug shotgun era

They nerfed it in a patch. original slugs was fun.

Can confirm they were OP if you knew what you were doing. Makes me nostalgic

I miss the shotgun attachment on assault rifles. Devs did a update one time and made every single shot from the shotgun attachment super op.

BF4 was the last decent Battlefield game IMO. BFV just seemed so bland.

>being nostalgic over cancer that brought codniggers and killed series for 2.5 releases

When you consider the garbage that is now being released by comparison it looks good, yeah.


Oh my fucking god some zoomers are actually being nostalgic about BF3

BF3 was 9 years ago.

AIX 2.0 with 108 bots is the ultimate battlefield experience.
Where my chads at?

Discarded, I dont play with scrubs that cant even play the game properly

i only played infantry only servers

servers with vehicles were fucking trash

gg get killed by some random jet every 10 seconds

it has a lot of maps now.

>play a battlefield game
>get mad at vehicles

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>tfw you get in an LAV and dominate everyone on gulf of oman
Shouldnt even be legal

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>no lockons

>Firestorm on the US side
>Run up the hill and put my laser designator down
>Jump in a tank and proceed to annoy the fuck out of the enemy tanks with locked on shots
Not to mention the ridiculous constant buzzing of the lock-on