Whats the best ww2 game?

Whats the best ww2 game?

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Company of Heroes with Blitzkrieg mod.

Commandos : behind the enemy line

CoD 2

unironically valkyria chronicles 1/3/4

Fallout 4.

This. It's a great mod.

No wait. Try getting Company of Heroes Fusion mod that combines Eastern Front, Blitzkrieg and Far East War into a single mod.

Red Orchestra 2

I'm a big fan of Medal of Honor underground

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>russian soldier
>speaks like an american
Whoever made that should kill himself.

it's an edit you dumb incel

>russian soldiers can't use captured weapons


RTS - Company of Heroes
FPS - RO1/RO2 but they're basically dead now - Post Scriptum might be the new RO until RO3 is out

Any games that isnt allied propaganda? And avtually shows germans as the heroes they were?

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Although the Axis were the bad guys, this image makes me sad.


Silent Storm


World would have been better if hitlerwon ww2

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They didn't die to defend their society in stasis and stagnation forever.

They died to give us a choice about what kind of society we wanted to live in, rather than to have that decided for us by a tyrant.

I sometimes wonder what war veterans would think about their country today, but then I remember that it doesn't matter. They fought to give us the right to decide for ourselves what we wanted it to look like - together.

Bull shit.
They fought to keep their country and traditions.
And looks what happened to them, eroded by immigration and extreme leftists.

Imagine dying in WW2 and some High Schooler makes an edgy meme with the last photo you were ever in 70 years later

Yeah fuck him!

How dare he want a peaceful utopia without degeneracy like today?
How dare he!!!

>They fought to keep their country and traditions.
Yeah, and one of those traditions was fucking democracy you sperg - YOUR right to decide.

They fought against tyrants, not to become tyrants.

Reminds me of this

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Democracy yes, but all this extreme leftism is leading to Communism idiot.

World at War

It doesn't stop being democracy just because you're losing you pathetic faggot. You don't get the right to decide for everyone what society should look like.

Kill yourself before someone does it for you, Nazi scum.

Any games that isnt Entente propaganda? And avtually shows the Central Powers as the heroes they were?

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Spotted the degenerate
Off yourself


Since when does being anit Communist make me a Nazi?

And if you actually believe you can still have a democracy under communism, you're insane.

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but is ded jim

absolutely based