Why do female characters in Western video games look like dogshit?
Why do female characters in Western video games look like dogshit?
Because women are now involved in development of video games, and the mind of a woman works differently from man's.
When a man sees a cool strong guy he strives to be like him.
When a woman sees a cool attractive female character, she feels threatened by her. That she lowers her value on sexual market etc. and sets "unrealistic" standards to men.
This is why every woman needs to be ugly as fuck as to not pose a threat. A guy is allowed to be hot though.
Best example i can give is Netflix's Witcher.
Geralt the biggest Gigachad in Hollywood right now, while every sorceress surrounding him is an ugly mutt or nig.
Even though according to the lore they were super *conventionally* attractive - not what they WANTED to look like, but what would be the best for general population to gain as much influence as possible.
Now new Jill design is made by man, but that's because a lot of them hope that by being male feminists they will get into their female coworker's pants.
It's getting to the point where I can't tell if people like you are still trolling or you actually believe this.
Point out where he's wrong and bring some arguments this time.
There's literally nothing wrong with that post though.
i want jill to rape me
Yes user, some people believe in the truth.
Solid post user, well reasoned and logically consistant, examples also. You did good son, real good.
Dangerously based.
You're not gonna save the west by posting the same thing on Yas Forums over and over again.
How did Remedy get away with this?
This thread is so fucking terrible, why are zoomers so fucking retarded.
I emptied my pockets and dropped my pants when I first saw this pic
>i'll come back for you
Is it worth it to buy Sexbox + Quantum Break just to coom for this grill? I'm unemployed and have 6427 dollars in payday loans btw
only if you have toaster pc i guess
>not inverted nipples
i honestly think she would have them
What's with the constant hatred of the west here, ever since the SJWs took over? I never heard anons on this site say "Americans" or "Western" so much until recently. Is Yas Forums just mostly brown people angry they couldn't emigrate?
pretty sure its just a few spergs chimping out
It's idiots who think stuff like Quentin comics and Yas Forums are genuine. Lots of newcomers to Yas Forums don't realize that alot of shit here is just irony and shitposting for fun and take it at face value, and then think their retarded opinions that they would normally be bullied for having are accepted because people pretending to be retarded are sharing their view and they think they're being genuine.
where's the spade
they look fine
Damn i don't think i ever saw a bigger obvious newfag plebbit/retardera imigrant post.
They don't, you're just homosexual and a dishonest Yas Forumsturd.
t. neoFAG rapefugee
t. 2016 tourist who fell for people pretending
Yas Forums is mostly 2016 tourists, and they are not ironic.
My wife is the opposite. She always complains when the devs make the girl characters ugly. Especially in later BioWare games.