Racism FFVIIRemake, is barret a racist?

Racism FFVIIRemake, is barret a racist?

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ur a fag

spoilerz the whole thread is people refuting the OP

Screencaps of other websites should be a permaban.

>sandnigger name
>Pig avatar


i also have a re'era account for posting bait but i haven't logged into it in months
you should stay there

This poster is for sure a white kid.

Yas Forums use memes from resetera

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like most people who hate this game, they clearly haven't played it.

isn't the whole thing with barrett that he seems to be like that, but then you find out he's actually a loving father?

Just like with Tifa's character design, it's an example of Square trying to have their cake and eat it too. They wanted to update the characters but also not stray from people's nostalgia. And judging by this thread so far, people are not willing to let nostalgia go to have a critical view of a character's portrayal.

>Ignoring the fact that Shinra basically caused everything bad that's happened to him
>English dubs
Is genuine retardation and/or autism of this level a common occurrence on ResetEra?

Das rite white boi!

Yeah that's how he was in the actual FF7. Fuck off faggot.

>barrett is black

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if we trick some people into thinking resetera memes originated on Yas Forums or are "Yas Forums things" then they will be forced to distance themselves from their own meme. its perfect. steal everything they do and ruin it. don't let them have anything.

But I do think it’s a japanese thing... just like women in this game are mostly depicted as extra sensual, and verging on virginal, whenever the scenario needs it. It’s gross, but I don’t think I can expect better from SE. I love FF7 but it’s definitely a bit too pervy, and yah, Barrett’s characterization is often cringe and makes me uncomfortable. They’ll have more chances to balance his personality as we go (I hope). I’m thinking about the Corel flashback. I hope he’s not going to remain a loudmouth used for comic relief. It makes him look like a clown.

I’m part of the LGBTQ community and Andrea is also a stereotype of a gay man as per Hollywood’s world, which is also often very offensive.
I definitely got gay vibes from Biggs tho.

>angry black man in media is completely inaccurate
>When I see it I'm filled with rrraaage!
Weak bait, try harder next time

>please emasculate my black male characters!
>nooo! don't dis-empower him! what you want black people to be slaves?!?!
you literally cannot win.
meanwhile real niggas don't give a single shit.

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Ignore these crazy fucks. Its sad that they get attention not only from Yas Forums, but from these fucking devs.

Even as a kid playing the original I knew Barret had some problematic stereotypes. This isn't a new discussion by any means at all. From the pre-release trailers I had some issues with Barrett's VA. The full game does a good job contextualizing Barret but it doesn't completely wash away the loud & angry & large black man stereotype.

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>hate seeing black people on screen
>claims they're not racist

It's not a secret that the English localization emphasized the black angry man stereotype way more than the Japanese script. This was totally avoidable in this game, but they still chose to go this way - which should be critisized, even if you like the character.

are you saying that black guys are actually pussies irl?

But everyone steals memes from everyone. This is the nature of the internet. You cannot own memes.

There's no denying that Barret is an angry black man, but when you know his backstory he has every reason to be as angry as he is.
There's other angry characters in the game as well, like Cid, but his circumstances really aren't as terrible as Barret's. Where as Cid has mostly resigned himself to situation he finds himself in but still has hope for the future, Barret lost almost everything dear to him with just hate for Shinra and love for Marlene keeping him going.

It stung every single time Barret was on screen that they wouldn't care enough to get this important part of blackness, which has been written about ENDLESSLY for DECADES, yet were dedicated to nailing the cartoonish excess of racist western caricature when it came to his voice.

>Barret is angry all the time

maybe he has a reason to be angry like the fact that shinra literally wiped his home town off of the fucking map

maybe you should look a bit deeper than his skin colour

Why is this thread full of resetera trannies