Is a 12 year old mastermind computer hacker who is also into anime, pop culture and MMO's just like me...

>Is a 12 year old mastermind computer hacker who is also into anime, pop culture and MMO's just like me, is fit with thick thighs and dresses like a slut but also has never left the house and is lusting for your dick

Is this the most ridiculous pandering character in any game ever? Why don't I have the option to skip this shit it ruins the game. The fucking knife wielding dog was a more believable character than this

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i want to tufaba futaba

i want her to crush my skull between her thighs

She had a lot of time to learn how to computers and she gets healthy food cooked for her daily, what's not believable?

0 (zero) sex appeal
Too old

They at least tried with the rest of the characters. With this one they just made what a low IQ typical autistic mouthbreather would think is appealing. And it worked, she's the fan favorite, if that bothers you , then you it's time to move on and stop playing video games

i thought she was 14

>it's time to move on and stop playing video games
I think it's just high time to stop playing this shit franchise

whatever keeps me from having to see your shitty posts

She's a year younger than Joker. I don't understand how Japanese high schools work though, so I don't know what age that is.

its anime what do you expect

think she is 14

post the better image you black fucking faggot

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>Why don't I have the option to skip this shit it ruins the game
There's a FFWD button, retard.
She's 15

What's the appeal of P5? I think it's hot garbage, dragged out way too long with boring dialogue, an uninteresting plot and dull gameplay segments, especially those shitty stealth mechanics

It panders right to my fetish, and I can spam pics of her to other NEET girls to annoy them. Win/win.

you've been in japanese senior high school for twenty years and you still don't know how it works

Congratulations. You're a contrarian. Do you want a reward?

Don't think that everything that doesn't align with your perfect view of the world is contrarian
I really like the style of the game, music and visuals are top notch, but the substance is lacking to a dangerous degree. How can you defend this travesty?

>Ah, yes. I watched a 5 hour video on how Persona 5 lacks substance. I'm glad I don't have to think for myself.

How is it lacking?

She can barely walk due to muscle atrophy, let alone crush a skull.

user, i'm all those things save the 12 part and being a boy though
Its easy for me to believe at least

>acts little sister tier up till social link 8 where she suddenly starts wanting headpets and admits she has feeling for you
Its an honest shame that Japan is so degenerate, Futaba has no business being suddenly into Jokers dick, other social links hint towards romantic options far either. Also
>only options is "I love you" or "team mate"
>no option to say shes like a sister to you
Piece of shit, honestly.

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Accurate picture of people who don't want to have sex with futaba

She doesn't understand what she's feeling, ya retard. How is a shut-in NEET supposed to know hoe love feels? Are you stupid? Have YOU ever felt love before?

nah, she does those deep squats all the time, she can crack a coconut between dem legs

Hey, I got a dick for you to lust after. Send an email my way, baby.

no thank you sir
mainly into easily-flustered anons.
those are the most fun to tease.

she is literally me red hair and all

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>thick thighs
nothing about her is thick

The gameplay just doesn't provide much beyond the combat system which is standard fare for any jRPG, with the topple system being the most unique standout. The persona system is interesting and it ties in well with the social links but I found it lackluster at best.
Walking around in the palaces, trying not to get spotted sometimes is just not that entertaining to me and watching the wacky stuff the cast gets up to throughout the game isn't all that great either, especially since the voice acting is cringy anime dub-tier with some standouts like the fucking cat being incredibly awful

To be fair, I only put in around 30 hours before I dropped it so I may have missed a fair amount of what "makes" the game. I just couldn't be bothered at that point though, the idea of having to endure the boring gameplay sections so I could rejoice in watching shitty dialogue for half an hour made me wanna end it all

Do you have a link for that?

>degenerate sister fuckers who are running on full coombrain

Not an actual rebuttal, but okay.

>dresses like a slut
Take that back.

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you would deny your surrogate sister sex with you if she really wanted it? what a monster

are you adopted
spending three years on this sister shit is pretty retarded if you don't need it to fill some psychological hole

You have good taste in men. Dorky, horny anime / vidya nerds are hot.

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