How come no horror game can really scare me like this picture?

How come no horror game can really scare me like this picture?

Attached: nattyputty_cave.jpg (1280x720, 193.32K)

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Well he did it to himself

Attached: thisismyholeitwasmadeforme.gif (293x289, 1.99M)

Because you're fucking fat and scared at the thought you'll get stuck at the first tunnel stretch

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 684.76K)

so many things in life and niggas decide to crawl through tiny holes for no reason
they deserve to die in a cramped hole upside down

Speak proper english.

>excruciating pain from being upside down for hours on end
>being given false hope (and pizza) before the rescue apparatus breaks
>likely having a wedgie taunting him all the while
>perishing and being entombed in a place called nutty putty cave
Every single thing about that is a nightmare.

shut yo ass

>>Because you're fucking fat
I'm 67kg at 180cm, or 130 lbs at 5'11

try again


Fucking manlet lol

Ok manlet then what are you scared about faggot. You prob could do this you pussy.
Seeing your retarded ass
Don't even try

t. 4'8" filipinos


Have a pretty fucking nightmarish article about cave diving accident that led to deaths of several divers while others were stuck under cold and dark waters for hours, not knowing if they are the only survivors and not sure if they're going to die as well.

Attached: 17901424.png (982x351, 28.01K)

>john jones
>nutty putty
He was askin for it

>watch some new indie horror games on youtube
>gameplay consists of either
>walking around some crappy spooky area lazy devs made for 10-20+ mins revealing some shitty story bit by bit
>do some crappy menial tasks for 20+mins before/while spooky ghost shows up
>shitty PT ripoff
are indie devs this creatively bankrupt?

Attached: dead bird.jpg (3024x4032, 444.79K)

They try to go the "atmoshpere" road because they either can't implement spooky elements based on survival or don't know how to play video games.

Tight spaces are hard to program.

of course they are fucking finnish

because everything was on the line for him, but in a game it's just a few minutes a progress.

I'll never understand why they didn't at least try to rescue him. He was dead either way.

Trying to pull him out would have probably endangered rescuers too much, trying wasn't worth making more corpses.

what a weird hobby

all that dumb nigger in the hole need to do was spin hisself from the left to the right so that they could pull him out
that was it but he was such a panicky little wite boi loser that he didnt even use his imagination to get out
i dont wanna say he deserved it but...

fucking retards i swear

oh and they also could have drilled the walls
but they all like "fuck that hole diving fool"

thats the real horror - the only people who can help you turn their back on you when you need it the most

I suppose some people just can't sleep their nights if they don't know where holes on the ground lead.

some people arent foolish enough to go down holes and get stuck or possibly drown to death during rain fall

dread is not fear

lifegoal going to be faking pirate's treasure or something in a cave system and killing a number of young men trying to get to it

Have you played the first Home Sweet Home? I think it was made by a smallish team from Thailand. It's fucking fantastic. Sequel is just okay.

Why would you even crawl upside down into a tiny ass hole?

To see where it goes

Delete. We don't post nutty putty round these here parts.

But Home Sweet Home is exactly what he complained about all horror games being, i.e. a walking sim where you wander around doing obtuse shit and collecting notes and crap to get the story piecemeal while occasionally hiding from the spooky ghosts and jump scares. Sure, it's probably one of the better ones out there but it's still just that shit again.