My friend plays a lot of league of legends but im really shit at those kinds of games, this is my first one. I feel like she gets annoyed playing with me because she has to babysit me the whole time. What steps can i take to improve?
My friend plays a lot of league of legends but im really shit at those kinds of games, this is my first one...
to improve your gameplay and state of wellbeing, uninstall league and play dota 2
ok but my friends dont play dota so league it is.
also ahri is cute as fuck
What is it about this game that brings out the worst in people? Seriously, everybody that plays it takes things way too seriously.
play easy champions, play a lot of aram to practice teamfighting, play practice mode to practice last-hitting, play more 5v5 to practice, just play play play practice practice practice. i played thousands of games and still suck
i've just basically been playing ahri and sona for now, i know more about ahri and am very slowly getting better but there is just so much happen and so much i need to pay attention to.
Honestly, just keep playing. Watch matches from youtubers or pros or whatever, try to imitate them until you get good. Early skill is literally just knowing what the fuck you're doing at a given moment, git gud is when you know what to do next.
Cute girl
Only play juggernauts and permaban Fiora. Learn how to farm, take objectives, steal kills andcompletely ignore your team.
Stop playing ASSFAGGOTS
No fucking clue my man, and this is coming from an Overwatch player.
watch the porn
>she gets annoyed playing with me because she has to babysit me the whole time
you're worse than a woman at a video game, just end your own life
Anal her and force her to babysit you ingame while calling you master.
Learn to CS. Start watching some streamers and learn what they do with a champ you like.
Start by playing easy champs until you feel confident enough for something more mechanically challenging and keep in mind that harder champ does not equal better champ.
Most important thing about the game is to learn about champs themselves, what do their passives and abilities do, what items help you against them, what do you need to do at certain points in the game, etc.
Because your stupidity wastes half an hour of my time.
The actual answer is because the game is badly designed. There's a shitload to know about the game and new players have no hope of playing it at a satisfactory rate when playing with a veteran. It's infuriating to roll the equivalent of a one handed twelve year old onto your team and lose as a result. And the game is over half an hour long so you'll work your ass off for ten minutes before realizing the one handed twelve year old is actively making your enemy stronger, and will now cost you the game and you're stuck here for another twenty minutes. Unlike something like CSGO, you're punished for leaving. Or going afk. You have to sit there and click shit for twenty minutes.
play riven
ahri and sona are bad beginner characters because ahri is difficult and sona is unmobile and squishy so you fuck up and you die
I advise someone low risk like lux for both mid and support.
But you get punished for quiting in CSGO too. At least the game is faster once you get rolled though
i mained sona for a while and she got me to gold but yeah she is extremely squish and you have to be good at positioning or you will get blown the fuck up really quick, so even though she is 'simple' she is a bit difficult to play well without dying
Get good at Brood War and realize how little depth mobas have in comparison
And then just keep playing brood war
brood war is outclassed by starcraft 2 in every aspect
>mfw have fun in bot matches because little to no pressure, just chilling out using a character I wanna play with
>mfw two friends of mine who like to try to do PVP
>The character I always want to try ends up banned
>The character I pick ends up counterpicked
>End up an anxious, miserable wreck as I keep falling behind in levels because I feel like I'm letting everyone down
Had a decent game of ARAM with them as Caitlyn though. If PVP League brings out the worst in people then it really shows how nervous and skittish I am when the fire's lit under me.
You should ask her out user.
You will have to compete with players who played this game for years, dont bother.
like what he said, play easy champs
sona is 'easy" to play, but shes really vulernable to getting all in'd and shit on, shes also has a higher skill ceiling to get the most out of her so stop playing her asap.
Play easy tanks or stun bots or engage lords. Playing damage is very finicky and you have to spend time learning how to function as a glass canon. just learn game flow and what the champs do first, pick up assassins and adc LAST.
Stick to shit like garen/jax/malphite (easy to play, very effective), good supports since you don't have to deal with farming like leona, nautilus. good enchanters are janna, lulu, nami, soraka is also easy but a little less safe. whatever you play, you want stuns or dashes.
if you wanna learn damage, try learning to suicide and slam every button to kill the person who needs to die, just get cozy with something, but then a few games later, try to dive bomb someone and live.
laning phase is straight up complicated and it will take you a very long time to get better and understand, god help you if you are melee in top lane, that shits the worst.
if you suck ass at laning like I still do, learn jungle or support.
Do not type to retards who get mad and blame you and blah blah blah, even if it actually is 100% your fault. You can't learn this game when you are flustered and upset. You have to play the casual game mode and not be afraid to lose, its a fucking game and losing is how you learn. learn to ward mildly deep and not just in the bush on the side of your screen, then you see the enemy from a mile away and you get to pick fights or run the fuck away early.
hold tab and click the little speech bubbles to mute chat messages and pings from shit heads, this is guaranteed to make you learn faster. just dont mute people who are constructive.
Watching gameplay is very helpful for this type of game, but it has to be someone who talks frequently about moment to moment decision making and the "why I build this or move here"
shouldve never played bot matches to begin with, it sets in the attitude that you have right now.
have you considered playing support. theres a saying: "if you cant play support, you cant play the game". its very low pressure too.
I feel the same user.
If I go on losing streaks in any 1v1 games like fightan, I don't even care. I lost fair and square because I was worse.
But underperforming on a team really gets me down. I can't deal with all these 5v5 and 6v6 PVP games. I only start League to play some ARAM with my wife.
Genuine retard
trannies are not women
Haha I've got a girlfriend and she's got a boyfriend, not on my plate right now.
Stop playing, or even talking, with someone that doesn't enjoy your company in a goddamn videogame.
I only really aspire to be good enough to play draft with my friends and not throw the game
>trannies are not women
What position do they play?
Either just learn how to supp or JG then gank them so they snowball. pretty simple
First step is realizing it. Next step is accepting the fact that you are a fucking faggot for getting involved with mentally ill individuals.
I've got a few supports but I mostly revolve around top laners, mid laners and ADC. And in Top lane I mainly use Sett because I find his kit really fun.
She plays caitlyn mostly thats bottom or adc iirc
The game is a fucking poisoned chalice. Yes elo hell does exist, and yes I'm in it, pic related. I don't know what I can do to stop my team dying multiple times each before 5/10 minutes into the game, and there is absolutely NO way to control them. Look at this picture before you consider playing league, the game is fucking suffering.
In short, play 1v1 games like fightan.
Are you the nigger who plays with his wife on the same keyboard and then types it as an excuse if you die? Go fuck yourself
>implying i would ever associate with a transvestite
Just learn how to naut supp. Even if you fuck up you can still carry lane.
some top laners can support. find a niche in your friend group and fill it, it most likely support because its an unpopular position.
i was exactly like you dude, only played because my friends did. mained support to help them, heal bots like Sona etc. When my confidence grew I played playmakers like Thresh and stuff
mids probably a bit hard considering youd be playing with higher elo people. try support
Play with someone else. Seriously, people that get annoyed at their friends especially if they’re new at league are one of the most toxic niggas ever. Play with someone else or don’t play with that dumb bitch because you’re gonna be nervous playing with her and afraid of messing up for fear of her blowing up on you.
>play 1v1 games like fightan
then he will be unarguably the cause of his losses and won't be able to blame anybody for it like you just did