8 kingdoms, plus a final boss area

>8 kingdoms, plus a final boss area
>kingdoms are huge and sprawling, bigger than any Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne levels
>Pray sanctuary’s are the new bonfires, one in each kingdom, then you’ll have to rely on shortcuts for progression
>bosses in kingdoms have multiple phases and will test even the most veteran of Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Sekiro characters
>Kingdoms will have mini bosses
>the “field” as they call it, is the hub world, it’s the only place you can ride your mount
>I say mount because you start with a horse but secrets and unlockables will allow you to have wolf mounts, bear mounts, tiger mounts, and apparently there will be more unique original mount designs
>power stances are back, switch weapons are back.
>leveling up is like dark souls but more layered
>there is also a talent tree
>pvp only in kingdoms, NOT in the “field”
>the field will have “mini” bosses, which are basically like bosses from Dark Souls 1+2
>the best way I can describe the field is like Twilight Princess; broken up segments that lead to new areas
>everything is seamlessly open world just as all previous From titles
>mount combat is just like you’d imagine; dark souls combat on horse back
>there are bosses that require you to use hour mount
>there is a jump mechanic but it’s not like Sekiro, imagine a jump mechanic in Dark Souls, heavy and clunky, but can be used for puzzles and ledges
>no towns or villages, only wondering NPCs that sell you stuff
>the people you encounter will provide side quests and they’re all on a similar journey as you
>as of now there are 5 endings
>there are many many combinations of the main quest, you can betray or befriend npcs and depending on your choice will eventually conclude in your journey

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> there is a version of trusty patches in this game
>create a character is back and depending on the class you pick you will spawn in that classes kingdom
>each class has its own unique covenant you’re linked too
>covenants aren’t so limited and restricted as DS3 but they still have it’s exclusives
>there is a ranking system for pvp
>limbs are obtained acquired from kingdom boss battles and once you obtain them you can take them to the eleven queen and she will give you a unique ability that will greatly assist you
>kingdoms can be tackled in any order, although some kingdoms will have higher level enemies that will be punishing for lower levels, these more advanced kingdoms will drop very high quality items
>The expert speed runners will most likely be able to tackle the higher level kingdoms with ease
>the currency in this game is limbs. You will harvest every limb of every enemy, instead of (for example, 250 souls for every enemy you kill) you will get 1 limb for every enemy you kill.. only kingdom boss limbs truly special in value
>the “field” in this game feels truly special.. for example. you will wonder it , discover a puzzle, solve it, it will reveal a passage into a deep dark mine, you’ll follow it, maybe you’ll need to ignite a torch, you follow it and wonder “where am I even going” and finally it will reveal a sprawling cavern ready to be explored
>the field will have many side areas to explore, and like I said, many side bosses
>some kingdoms will require you to trek thru swamps, fields, caverns, and mountains to even get to
>the best way I can describe this is by pic related. It’s what we all wanted Breath of the Wild to be but it wasn’t.

That’s it for now. Enjoy! Thanks for reading.

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Implying I'd read that


>I say mount because you start with a horse but secrets and unlockables will allow you to have wolf mounts, bear mounts, tiger mounts, and apparently there will be more unique original mount designs
Disgusting, to think somebody would make a fake leak just to include this dogshit

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Fucking BASED

very epic

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i no longer care about this game


Wtf this game sounds amazing how does any of that sound bad?

Source: OP's STD-ridden anus.

fuck you i thought there was an info dump

Ive read leaks to this dating back as far as 9 months that are nearly identical to this. From what I’ve read and heard there will be 8-10 kingdoms in this game and order you tackle them in is up to you and sometimes you’ll need to travel they 1-4 “side areas” before you reach the “main” area, which in this games case would be a kingdom

This sounds really good? How am I wrong here? This sounds kino

alright but where's armored core 6

i wasn't responding to op's pasta at all
grrm is a wet fart and constant threads for absolutely no reason that are 100% garbage


If real, this actually sounds pretty good

Cool fanfic, you should keep these lies if you ever want to become a game maker, my are gripes with it are how you can balance a limb currency system from low level enemies giving you the same shit as high level enemies and that the "spawn in a kingdom" idea is cool but hell to design, remember playtesters are idiots, your average casual even more and journalists go even further beyond, so how the fuck do you make all of these morons not get lost and ride to their ultimate demise where they will ragequit instead lead them to the babies 1st kingdom? Think about that and add a line about how they always get guided there somehow first and after you beat the boss there they let go of your hand like Ashina castle and Jobchiro.

that's all nice and good, but why the fuck should I believe you faggot?

>>I say mount because you start with a horse but secrets and unlockables will allow you to have wolf mounts, bear mounts, tiger mounts, and apparently there will be more unique original mount designs
Stop reading

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fake news

>muh there is a ring
>muh watchers have abondon their path
>muh stars shine in new directions
>muh for more nonsense talk to the seven npcs in the game

Cool fanfiction. To bad none of it is true.
When are we getting some actual fucking info for this? They didn't cancel it, did they?

>Dark Souls combat on horses
So we roll around while mounting

Corona postponed it user

The tiger part was just too much I feel, made it sound like some cheap MMO, not that the leaks would be real anyways but it's nice to play pretend

Also don't forget R1 spam

>tiger, bear and wolf mounts
The fuck is this, World of Warcraft?
None of us though this was real but at least make it slightly believable

this sounds too fucking good, it appears we will get another lifechanging game like first Dark Souls

I know it's all fake but
Dropped, fromsoft can't balance pvp for shit. They should really stick to singleplayer/co-op

>Tiger mounts and elves
So it's a generic MMO?

Sounds like shit to be honest.

Didn't ask.