No More Heroes

Is this it? Am i supposed to force myself to go through this dogshit gameplay just to enjoy the story and call Suda a genius? I mean i expected nipponjank but this is just unbearable.

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if its not for you, stop playing. You dont HAVE to do it if you arent into it you know. Not every hyped game is going to appeal to all

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surely there's a hack that cuts down on the grinding minigames, right?

GOD I love No more heroes. Gotta finish the DLC for the switch game and replay the first two games...
Hey OP if you don't wanna play it then don't.

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I'm on the Ps3 emulator, i've already cheated myself money and battery charge (since you can only recharge with a sixaxix motion and i'm using an xbox controller)
Problem is that the minigames where funnier and less frustating than the combat itself, dunno if i'm unironically missing something that makes it fun.
But i want to play, problem is i like everything except the janky ass combat, any way to make it less shit?

There's your god damn problem, playing the PS3 version... Fool, emulate the wii version. The ps3 version is garbage!

>call Suda a genius

Suda is the rounded up 69.5% report card of video games. The absolute best thing you can say about him is he has great choices for licensed songs in his games and (usually) interesting looking character designs.

>I'm on the Ps3 emulator
Not him but does it emulate well?
I tried emulating the Wii version without a Wiimote some time ago and it was just unplayable due to the controls.

>already had to cheat battery charge because of shitty motion control
>am supposed to deal with literally x100 motion controls of the Wii version
Nah fampai

I never understood the complaints about the "grinding" especially since if you were good at the minigames you'd get from fight to fight with only one or two plays.

Maybe you should get good at video games.

Stop playing it then, Lord Faggot motherfucker.

Sorry bro but its the wii version or bust.
It's well known that the PS3 version is garbo, and officially not endorsed by suda.

No major bug/crashes with Vulkan during 2-3 hours of gameplay, you have to cheat if you don't have a Ps3/4 controller
30 fps during normal gameplay, 20 during open world exploration and 4 when enemies explode in pools of blood, all of this on a shitty i7 2600 of 10 years, so you're probably going to be fine.

Dude you should really be playing the wii version, the ps3 is well known as a bad port.

>PS3 version

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>PS3 yikerinos

Yep, the game is mostly garbage, even intentionally in some ways. But it's also one of my favorite games of all time.

Most ironic thing is I remember tendies defending the open world when the game came out and crying over it's removal when the sequel came out.

You probably wouldn't enjoy the actual game then you fucking shitter

So why is the PS3 version bad? The wiki only lists QoL changes like retry or warp to job location and adding boss battles from NMH2

I usually don't mind wrangla but this game just didn't cut it for me. Having to do an awkward slice motion everytime I wanted to kill something just to sit through the same flashy glory kills was awful.

>Am i supposed to force myself to go through this dogshit gameplay just to enjoy the story and call Suda a genius? I mean i expected nipponjank but this is just unbearable.
Hello, welcome to literally every Suda game. Also, Deadly Premonition falls in to this category. The kicker is, the story is shit in all of these games too, nothing but westaboo garbage.

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Is the PS3 version bad or something? Wanted to play this without shitty waggle controls

the framerate is really bad.

The ps3 version is fine btw played it a couple of months ago. Dont lisen to gatekeepers in this thread there just mad they didnt get the COOM boss outfits.

That's it. Ports worked like shit in PS3.

That’s life, faggot.
It gets better in NMH2 though.
Whore yourself out for cash.

>You can literally swing the wiimote anywhere and it’ll probably give you the kill
It’s fun

Framerate is shit
Controls are somehow unresponsive
The motion controls in the wii version are actually really good, and not too invasive. The most you’ll do is shake the wiimote to Jack off your sword.

you play the shitty chores bits so you can get to the fun assassination missions

Reminder that the PS3 version of the game is better than the Wii version

Only redditors think otherwise

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Ehhh I'd say it's mostly nintendofags in denial I played both versions and easily recommend the PS3 version over the Wii

It somewhat changes the visual style of the game and has screen tearing that's the only thing I could see as being negatives.
Everything else gameplay wise is better thanks to being able to play on a controller and there being less grinding.

You get more money on harder difficulties. Try not to be a shitter. Only time I had to grind was for the final sword upgrade; and it was worth it

Oh and first thing first find 7 dragon balls and unlock the ability to be ranked on Combos; that adds a whole extra level of money too

OP is emulating so framerate isn't a problem yet you guys are saying it's still the worse version despite more content.

NMH is one of the few games that make swinging the wiimote feel satisfying, no, not the charging part.

That’s the fun part, it’s cathartic to slice a dude a half or suplex a boss

>without waggle
Literally no point in playing it then. Most people really enjoy the finishers and wrestling moves. Just watch it on YouTube.

>Am i supposed to force myself to go through this dogshit gameplay just to enjoy the story and call Suda a genius
That's every Suda game

>Literally no point in playing it then
Grasshopper admitted the waggle was a mistake by giving a option for controllers in the sequel tho

Killer7's a good action game and you're a dope if you think otherwise.

>ps3 version

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It's more content in some regards and less than others, namely the overworld is cut down and they removed Heavenly Star. Most people agree the artstyle is also significantly worse as it butchers the shadows and they haphazardly threw in the NMH2 bosses. If you're a goddamn philistine though, those changes won't bother you.

Suda is overrated, only gets threads because of Discord trannies forcing it.

OP is a fag.

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i never played it but i saw the true final boss and i like how it mocks the whole “cool rival brother” thing

It's bad on purpose.

2Deep4U. You wouldn't get it.

It's a boring rail shooter

>removed Heavenly Star
what a loss indeed lol

Go eat a tide pod, zoomy.

It's not really a rail shooter because there's more to the combat than just aiming correctly as you automatically move along a track. Also, I've never heard someone call Killer7 boring. Even people who think the gameplay is simple have to admit that it's aesthetically engaging.

>People unironically defending wiimote waggle faggotry
Play these games with controllers they're much better don't listen to these delusional retards.
Emulate NMH 1 from PS3 and 2 on Dolhpin.

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Stop lying retard
>Why target the Wii with this game when there are a lot of action games on the Xbox 360?

>GS: One of the main reasons why we're back on Wii is because of the controller. When we released the first one on Wii, you had this feeling just finished with moving the controller; it was really good.

They just added the standard controller for the subset of people that didn't want it and it's the suboptimal way to play. You're left with unintuitive controls.

He's right tho, Suda is a guy that made a sequel to his only interesting game exclusive to a mobile carrier in japan for decades only to do a 180 and port it over to everything for a quick buck.

tendies are brained what did you expect?

>For a quick buck
>The 25th Ward LITERALLY became lost to time because those old phone services died
>Adds like 6 new chapters to the game all written by their respective authors
>Tons of remastered and brand new CG art
>It’s one of the only two visual novels that isn’t shit, the other being its predecessor
Fuck you. 25th Ward is great. How could it be a cash grab if it’s so fucking niche? It’s basically a brand new game.

>aesthetically engaging
Not to me. Makes my eyes burn