How do you respond without sounding mad?

How do you respond without sounding mad?

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There's nothing to be mad about

I genuinely don't know how people get mad over it. Especially during the OW haydays, remember how fucking angry people got? Red hot, white hot, anger. Insane. I also unironically do not understand "toxicity"? How can it make you say angry someone is (more than likely rightfully so) calling you a garbage player? Just ignore them or mute them. It's that simple.

Why respond at all

Well first I start crying. Then I call him a faggot. Then I demand that that he apologizes.

Why do you fags respond to everything

don't respond, it's bait retard

You type gg back

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Just say GG I had fun :3 and move on with your day

Why do you need to respond. Why wouldn't you move on and ignore it?

ur mom ez lmao

1) uwu
2) make up something in a nonexistant language with their name and a XD at the end, especially if chat can't be copy/pasted

Threndë bulej hapö thell user XDDD

3) nice cock bro :)
4) gege :D

i say gg ez back

how long has this retard been spamming the same thread?

All of these make you sound mad.
The only correct answer is to not respond at all.

If you want my attention, get in line like the rest.

you don't respond
no response doesn't sound like anything

you say gg ez back to him

>don't respond
pic related is you

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i dont respond, making the other person seethe but they won't say they are

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Despite their cute exterior ducks are natures rapis, they have evolved specifically so they may rape females, duck penises regrow every mating season. Once the season ends, the penis begins to shrink and regress until it’s 10 percent of its full-grown size. They are stored inside the duck’s body, waiting to emerge only during copulation. The process generally resembles a cross between using your arm to evert a sweater sleeve that is inside out and unfurling the soft, motorized roof of a convertible sports car with a hydraulic drive.
The duck penis is not straight, but spirals counterclockwise from its base to its tip. The Muscovy duck penis completes six to 10 full twists over its 20-centimeter (7.8-inch) length.
Like a selection of sex toys from a vending machine in a strange alien bar, duck penises come in ribbed, ridged and even toothy varieties to hook into a female’s reproductive tract, which is as long and convoluted as the penis.
Female ducks have in turn evolved to resist rape attempts, reproductive tracts are full of twists and turns or dead-end side pockets or cul-de-sacs and some spiral clockwise in the opposite direction of the counter-clockwise spiraling duck penis.
As such we can only deduce that the reason human males don't have a 60 centimiter (roughly 23 inches) penis is due to humanity's restrictions on rape. As such you should not feel bad for your micro penis and your need to compensate for it by saying GG, as it is society that is to blame for this. Not you.

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Speak in brazilian or other shitworld country languages. Not only I can give myself an excuse for staying shit, it also gives them the impression I cant understand english.

Call them nigger

that's retarded, everyone knows what gg ez means


gg ez is old, nobody cares anymore

nah you cheated cuz ur dogshit, kid

>How do you respond without sounding mad?

Then you've failed.

Respond trying to sound as mad as possible.

>enemy writes gg ez
>report him for toxic behaviour
>see him getting banned

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