Would the remake benefit if was open world, like XV?
Would the remake benefit if was open world, like XV?
The alternative being what? Linear in-between zones ala FFX? Because they sure as hell aren't bringing the overworld back.
FFXV's "open world" was actually extremely linear though
So will the second part allow us to re-enter midgar?
It's sad that overworlds were basically always seen as a waste by developers. What are they, really? Just fancy maps for you to get to the next location because actually designing proper zones was too much work. It's no surprise they eventually phased them out and just went with selectable locations or skipping you to next area.
Doubt it, but mainly for story reasons. FF7 didn't allow it either beyond the perimeter wall.
XVs open world was fucking barren and boring as shit.
Maybe open areas like in Dragon Quest XI, perfect balance between open world and hallways
7R managed to be emptier than anything in OG ff7 or xv despite being a literal corridor
Uh-oh, looks kike someone did not dig enough in the Bone Village
*looks like. Fuck you Yas Forums, get out of my head
There definitely won't be a world map
XVs open world has more content than 7Rs barren empty corridors
It’ll probably be a much smaller openworld compared to XV, but with new towns and caverns to pad a Part 2 with.
The open world in the OG is actually quite linear for most of the main quest, you can side track to do other, optional shit, like chocobo breeding or gathering Enemy Skill stuff from random islands, but you always went from A to B. So unless they add a million ways to pad content, AKA fetch side quests, it would be pointless. They'll probably go with some sort of Pathfinder map where you walk from town to town and fill those with padding; for example I imagine they'll add between 6 and 10 quests to Kalm just like they did each of the Sectors in the Slums.
Oh great its the fucking FFXV poster. Do you use a fucking bot to ping every fucking thread that mentions FFXV or any other related FF game?
Good god show me more that shit is hiliarious
> I imagine they'll add between 6 and 10 quests to Kalm
There's no way they would pad this hard. The main plot would go too slow. They will need some epic conclusion with a cliffhanger at the end of the next game. And there's non of that early on that they can use for it. Plus they would need some fanservice location.
>like XV
god no XV's empty open-world was fucking garbage
I'd prefer is they did an overworld like Type-0
just ignore the autist
he's just mad that 7R dunked all over XV
FFXV was the worst final fantasy game I've ever played. No other final fantasy game should have ANYTHING that was in that turd.
I think 7R being somewhat similar to XV as what made it mediocre to begin with. SE outsourcing the project to CC2 showed just how little they actually cared.
Wonder how they will dp the overworld
pretty sure he just lives in this board and never sleeps
see for an example of how bad his autism is
Lol no. It was mostly empty. There is only 1 fucking town in it.
In the original you can get out of Midgar in 2-3 hours and they made that into a full blown 20-30 hours game, they WILL pad Kalm (mind you they might have you play the whole flashback with Sephiroth and shit and going up to the Reactor instead of just being in game cutscenes). Second game will probably go all the way to the Crater, the Cloud reveal and leave you in a big cliffhanger there.
jesus christ he's severely fucked up
Finished the game yesterday and I never got the hatred towards Nomura until now
What a fucking shit writer, so now EVERYONE will survive, there now TWO FUCKING CLOUDS, and Zack survived.
I am so fucking sick of these modern Jap writers who cannot commit to anything, what happened to consequences and tragedy in videogames?
FF7 literally became a Kingdom Hearts side game in the last two chapters fuck Normura
nomura isn't the writer you dumbfuck
>FF overworlds
the last FF that had an overworld was FFIX
you're gonna get your chapters and that's it
>the last FF that had an overworld was FFIX
Because midgar was one of the best part fo the game. And it had a pretty thick plot. The last time I played it took almost 5 hours to finish. And I knew what to do. I think Kalm is gonna be pretty short and mostly for exposition/tutorial. They won't let you stare at Tifa's boobs too much. Later is for debate. But they have to go fairly deep into the whole thing.