Post your favourite and least favourite Final Fantasy Characters up in here:

Post your favourite and least favourite Final Fantasy Characters up in here:

Favourite - Zack

Least Favourite - Wakka

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Favorite - Terra

Least Favorite - TIME JANNIES

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Favorite: Emet Selch
Least favorite: Lightning

Favorite: Bartz
Least favorite: Lightning


Favorite: too many to choose from. Steiner, vivi, Sabin, Zack, Golbez, Kefka, Terra, Wakka, Auron

Least Favorite: Lightning

Favorite: Zidane
Least Favorite: Noctis

Favorite: Steiner
Least Favorite: Lightning

>Least Favourite - Wakka
Makes sense that people who like the shit Nomura spews out dislike one of the best party members.

>least favourite: Wakka
The only bro who takes this poor fucking kid at face value while everyone else pretends he's retarded and all anyone does is hate him for it.
Poor guy.

>Least Favourite - Wakka
Brudda let me tell your something, the blacks aren't even human, yevon sent them here as a test to good folks like us.

wakkafags, he's a shit party member with an annoying characteristic

You're like Yas Forums made man
I unironically agree with you tho

Favorite: Serah
Least favorite: Tifa I don't actually dislike her as a character or anything I'm just absolutely sick of her after seeing her online for 20 years straight.

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Favorite: Wakka
Least favorite: Rikku, yah?

There is one singular correct answer for worst FF character and it is Genesis

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Favourite - Kuja

Least Favourite - Hope

Me? Gongaga

Favourite - Celes

Least Favourites - Vanille & Hope

Favorite: Kefka

Least Favorite: Rinoa

Favorite: Reno, Kefka, Basch
Least favorite: Yuna, Tidus

Favorite - Steiner
Least - Vaan

Favourite : Squall
Hate : Lightning

Favorite - Cid Highwind

Least - Rinoa

Attached: CidHighwind-FFVIIArt.png (444x565, 161.61K)

Favorite: Squall, Zack, Cid, Vincent, Bartz, Aerith, Celes, Cloud, Kuja, Gabranth
Least Favorite: Lightning, Vanille, Snow, basically everyone from 13 except Sazh and maybe Fang

zack is objectively better than cloud in every way

Favorite - WALL
Least- Garland (GAY!)

Favourite - Wakka

Least Favourite - Zack

Favorite- Bartz
Least Favorite- Lyse

Favorite: Gotta be Bartz, he's too based
Least: Gotta be Vaan, despite my love for 12
>hating Wakka

Attached: Better Dead Than Al Bhed.png (1200x750, 2.05M)

Gays go away

Fav. Zack
Leat. Lightning