So how is this compared to origins? I really enjoyed origins from the combat and gameplay to the story

So how is this compared to origins? I really enjoyed origins from the combat and gameplay to the story.

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Starts really strong, then goes to shit.

this is origins except much better in every way. Better story/character/combat/world. What's bad is that side-quests are very boring and you have to do a lot of them at certain points in the game

Origins was trash that ruined the series and gameplay and this is more of the same.

Just finished the main story today and started the first expansion.

It's very close to Origins overall. Hard to say if it's slightly better or slightly worse, because it depends if you like the changes or not. For example, blocking is gone - just parrying.

But most of the sidequests are great, way better than Origins'. They tie into the main story a lot.

The combat in Origins is fucking bizarre after playing Odyssey. The camera is so far zoomed in.

Fun and a lot more upbeat than origins. Also fun to play fashion compared to the boring outfits from Origins. AC fans get buttblasted how it's all mythical and shit but I think it made Odyssey more fun.

Presentation and world design is way worse, as is the writing. Animations are dreadful and the dialogue is terrible in many instances, though some side content is entertaining. Adds more RPG elements, however, and thus more depths to the systems even if the grind and mechanics themselves make the game a chore to play.

Also play Alexios, the dumb dialogue is carried by the male VA's performance.

How are the PC ports of the previous games? I'm tempted to marathon them, since I have the spare time. Might skip 3 though, because I just remember it being pretty awful and janky.

Nah AC fans (along with any person with standards) are buttblased over the gameplay being butchered and turned into tiered loot skinnerbox cancer like GR Breakpoint. AC gameplay was never anything to write home about, but it’s like they just completely gave up

I've done a series play through out of boredom due to quarantine and they all have been fine for me. I had to use a third party app to use a controller on 2, but besides that they run fine.

Origins with more plant life, a boat, no shields, a spear tip, and loot. Huge world, a lot of water. Combat feels mostly the same, but a bit faster and more aggressive. It's really fun, but get's a very repetitive.

I don't know how it manages to look worse than Origins at times. The fire effects look cheap, character models look cross eyed and a lot of the towns are copy and paste. Origins big cities felt unique, especially Alexandria, Memphis and Cyrene. I couldn't tell I was in Athens unless I saw the Parthenon.

That's good to hear. Hopefully 2 and Brotherhood are as good as I remember.
Was it XInputter that you used?

2 was fun but I found Bortherhood a bit boring, even though it used to be one of my faves. Think it was xinput, but there's a guide on the steam page for it that explains how it works.

Might be the grind to levelling up your underlings and other stuff made Brotherhood a but boring?
But yeah, thanks user. Looking forward to getting started.

It was Rome that I found most boring really. It was just brown and ugly.

Fair enough, and I can agree to an extent. Didn't pop out as much as the architecture in, say Florence.

Odyssey is garbage and I loved Origins. Copy and paste world that you can barely interact with, grindy as fuck 'RPG' mechanics, shit tier level scaling that makes exploration impossible, tedious loot grind, and so on and on.

That combat in the new games are fun as fuck. I understand some of you guys miss being stealth mostly but it’s not like stealth is no longer useful, it’s just the fighting is so polished now anyway to approach the game now is useful.

I love getting into a big battle with a mini sub boss character and fighting it out and dragging him into an area where I run off and slowly pick him apart with stealth.

The fact that you can Sparta kick people off of cliffs instantly makes it a 10/10.

The only thing I don't like it is that assassin attacks from stealth aren't always an instakill.

>no shield+spear/sword combo
A missed opportunity really and my biggest gripe with the game


Finished it the other day. The combat is ok once you start unlocking abilities, the only problem is all enemies level with you and you never feel like you get stronger. Plus most enemies are damage sponges.

Story starts of good but feels like they couldn't be bothered with it and just padded it out making it feel shallow.

Best part of the game for me was hunting down all the cultists.

The world is beautiful and the size and scale of it is overwhelming. If I was going to play it again i'd ignore all the bounties and contracts and any other side quests that have you running around doing pointless shit and just focus on the main quests.


Is Unity as alright as I heard people say it is? I pretty much stopped playing the AC games after Brotherhood.

Personally more enjoyable than Origins. Clocked around 120 hours and now I'm about to do first expansion.

Visually impressive, but fucking boring.
The Curse of the Pharaohs DLC is the finest AC DLC there is. Make sure you play that

If not for glancing at origins at a friends house I would never have gone back to play these games. They were pumping out so much games in the series I just thought Ubisoft was just trying to get some good cash grabs so I started to view the games like a sports game to me.

The rpg elements really aren’t my cup of tea but the gameplay is so addictive I began to not even care. I will say they should cut down on so much side quests

Crashes every 10 mins on my toaster
Couldn't get through the tutorial as it always restarted me from the beginning

What's boring about it exactly? I heard that, at least between it and Syndicate, that it played better.

It was marketed as you taking part in the French revolution, whereas it's just a backdrop to have an excuse to have crowds singing la marseille non stop. Boring main simp character, storyline is crap and abruptly ends and a lot of the cool historical content is locked behind co-cop missions. I also didn't like the time travel missions where you can go to nazi controlled france. It just felt stupid. It is probably the best parkour and stealth gameplay in the series though.