How old were you when you outgrew "Console Wars"?

How old were you when you outgrew "Console Wars"?

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sony keeps winning every gen so I honestly don't see the point anymore

Never. Console war bants are top entertainment. Though this gen all consoles were shit.

Never. The shitposting is top notch. Its pure autism. The winner this gen was snoy only due tp the fact it launched againt the wii u and xbone.

Net gen I think nintendo can win if they actually make more games. Xbox should be back and sony will drop the ball after getting too cocky

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There is no threat to PC superiority so I was never a part of it.

I was never a consolewar faggot. In my household, we had every console.

I'm a pc fan so consoles aren't my problem

Never. It's more like How old were you when console war went to shit? With gen 7

2002 when I joined the PC master race.

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>like most sony games but hate sony controller
>hate most xbox games but like xbox controller

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I never grew up on console wars. I lived in a neighbourhood where everyone usually had one console and we always visited each other to play games that were only on the systems other people owned.

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11, I guess. Gamepad confronts still make me wanna join the fight tho


When it was Xbox One vs PS4 it was pretty obvious to me that anyone who was an adult could easily afford both consoles.

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le goblin face

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Used to be an xbox fanboy in the 360 era. Nowadays, I'm playing purely on PC, so I didn't really plan on following the new console war.
However, it's such a wondrously absurd sight to see the huge amount of mental gymnastics on snoy fans on why their console is better, despite it actually being worse on all specs except SSD speed is just too much entertainment to ignore.

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>Claims Sony's won every gen
>Only won gen 6
Yikes user

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how do you afford time to play both
its pointless purchase

Which one is supossed to be the attractive one... out of the two?

even PSP sold 90 million , Sony will never ever lose after owning all Africa,Middle Earth, Japan,Asia,Europe and FIFA

they couldnt care less about hamburgerland

Console wars are fun. Take your le enlightened attitude back to plebbit

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Someone post it.

Well, they lost to NDS y'know.

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around 30

I had an Xbox, PS2, Dreamcast, and a Gamecube. Shit was fun as fuck.
I own all the current gen consoles now, too.

Playstation: won 2 gens
Sony: has lost 4 gens (two of them Handhelds )

Playstation =! Sony

I stopped paying attention to console wars a long time ago and just play whatever the fuck I want on whatever fucking console I want unless it available on PC

when i was old enough to own more than 1 console because i could buy them myself. only reason for a console war as a kid was because your parents only bought you 1 for christmas or something, and you wanted to feel like you got the better deal compared to timmy up the street with his xbox

I never started. I began playing games when I was fairly old so at that point I had seen how retarded people were about a piece of plastic.


Nintendo dropped out, portables aren't consoles