Why did Guitar Hero (and subseries) die out?

Why did Guitar Hero (and subseries) die out?

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Over saturation and music licensing. Also who thought it was it was a good idea to include the instruments with each iteration of the game?

Activision got greedy and was pumping them out too often. At one point they were releasing them every 6 months. There was also no compatibility with DLC.

Rock Band was superior in every way. Only 3 mainline games in one generation, and they made sure DLC was compatible for all games. They also censored songs a lot less.

One of the best fads of all time. Guitar Hero was a part of almost every social gathering for me as a late junior/senior in high school.

moreso the latter than the former. With consoles pushing backwards-compat so hard, it makes sense that licensing would matter more. No one wants to draw up an indefinite contract for licensing, or for one that automatically renews, or renews based upon certain variables.

Why do these threads keep getting made when and
are always the first posts

Activision, devs changing since GH3 who didn't know what it make it great and the jew labels wanting muh cut. Also Unless a dev WITH good music taste picks it up, it won't ever come back.

I just read the tracklist for DJ Hero and I can't believe I actually bought that. It's so cringe. But for some reason I thought it'd be GH edm edition based on the name.

Normalfags moved on to the Next Big Thing™

the prydz mashups were kino though


>not liking this youtube.com/watch?v=WiAeD7vzJcs

It was a fad..... of sorts. There's still a popular game that is just like it and it's really good. The difference is you use an ACTUAL guitar and play the real notes and chords.

Guitar Hero and Rock Band were something special and new but between milking it dry and it losing it's trend-appeal it faded out.

Because Activision milked it dry immediately after they got their hands on it.

What, you mean Rocksmith?
>use an ACTUAL guitar
Nigga what? If I knew how to play an actual guitar, why would I play a game that makes it simple for me?

not him, but Rocksmith 2014 is actually quite fun if you want to play something similar to GH. not to mention you can get Custom charts for free.

it in no way makes guitar simple for people. in fact if its all you fucking use, you'll develop bad playing habits.

Modern music isn't played on instruments

Yeah, that's cool. But the majority were just lame pop mash ups

Just play Clone Hero

Most of the music in GH wasn't modern for its time either.

Wasn't the ds release basically accordion hero?

>accordion hero
This is what I thought of whenever I saw that dumb shit

Nobody asked, Yas Forums.


Dafuq? I think DJ hero had a pretty good soundtrack.

No wonder why its soulless.

but gh3 was neversoft and everyone loves it

>in fact if its all you fucking use, you'll develop bad playing habits.
This, it's basically a fancy tab viewer with some feedback to your playing and some neat emulated effects for pedals and a jamming thing where you can set up a background band.

I don't

Fad+over saturation+ music labels wanting bigger cut + the genre of music involving guitars no longer being the top main stream one.

>music labels wanting bigger cut
This killed Rock Band 4 badly. It's setlist is fucking trash because they could afford good songs