Anyone else only able to play anime games?

Anyone else only able to play anime games?

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You'd play both if you liked anime games since anime is any animation.

Literally every game is anime, literally every cartoon is anime.

Yes anime just means cartoon in Japanese.
Reverse that shit. I'm tired of all the fucking anime style games. It's so annoying seeing the same generic artstyle over and over again.

not exactly
but I find that the more cheerful and welcoming aesthetics of anime games is one less barrier for me to keep persevering in playing a game instead of just procrastinating on completing it

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Youre retarded. Are every game is anime? Thats like saying every game is cartoons. Doesn't work.

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Western style is more bland and generic because it just looks like a shitty attempt at real life instead of being its own thing.

The right is better though.

One of the instances where the non anime looks better. Girl looks cute natural and down to earth instead of a blob

Art has improved so much. The art on the right is much more pleasing to the eye

Too many anime games forgot the game part. There are games I love with that style but I usually take it as a bad omen.

The left is actually better and more soulful than the right. Better shading, actual proportions, has an actual face with a nose...

The right is just a bog-standard generic anime style

Left is better and I say that as a weeb.
Right is soulless.

Left is uncanny valley. Creeps me out.

based non-coomer

left: gook shit
right: jap kino

The left girl is the one from my dreams

Mona Lisa and Laocoon are the only good ones on the left don't (you) me

you have anime diabetes. Lay off that shit for a year and watch 80s action flicks, until cured (start off with Commando)

Anime style is more bland and generic because it just looks like a shitty attempt at every single anime instead of being its own thing.
The fact that I can distinguish between so many different Western games and can't tell the difference between anime game disproves your shit.

Why are anime girls so sexy? I want to have sex with a real anime girl...

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There had to be some forgotten artist that drew with an anime style back in the 1300s

Stop watching Japanimation (what little children call "anime"). It's bad for your health.

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Sculpture is the only worthy art form of the old world because of the pure unbelievable talent required to perform the most basic approximation of it in the first place, let alone the mastery required to sculpt gods and heroes.

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whoever says Left is superior is a fucking shithead with shit taste
bitch can't even lift the mug properly

Both are good.
The real trash is modern western art.

Because you're a mindslave.

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Because Mona Lisa is borderline animu as well as most of Davinci's stuff, in fact the guy who posted the pic is a retard because none of the art back then looked like real people, they were all stylized and simplified.

You want realistic just look at hyperreal art and see how unappealing it is. An artist should study and imitate life but in practice an artist deals in aesthetics and idealization.

This is because you lack the discerning eye of an aesthetics conisuirre, and have outed yourself as a soulless plebian.

Right is just bottom tier moe-blob trash. Not even a fact that it's anime, it's bad animation.

That's enough from you rabbi.

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well yeah I'm just saying the others are tacky and I don't care for the works of boticelli lol

Why do the girls on the right have the same features?

Dark straight hair and brown eyes, 12-14 old round face.

I feel the same way, generic anime is ass theres been a huge oversaturation of the same low effort faces.

>why do all these Japanese girls from Japanese art look Japanese?

They fucked up the teapot on the right. It looks like a cup with a spout

weebs are mentally ill

I thought japs have black eyes.

Oh fuck off. Anime is shit and you've become addicted. The entire genre is based on the artstyle you retard. It's all the same.

What's bad about the right?