The whole CSGO and TF2 source leak was literally nothing

>The whole CSGO and TF2 source leak was literally nothing
>Valve doesn't even care

Is valve based or what?

Attached: 1134567567.jpg (693x1182, 168.66K)

we underestimate their security

I downloaded the source code, I don't really know what to do with it, but I like having stuff like this on my long term storage.

it's out dated not even used junk

Now that is real American food

who the FUCK eating food water for breakfast

That was probably an early lunch but the fucktard taking the picture calls it breakfast

In 2003 a hacker stole directly from Valve's servers source code of a highly anticipated game and engine due to be released in a year for the first time ever. He got a probation period. In 2012 and 2020 some kids shared source codes that have been received in a legitimate way but also were outdated by years at that point. They didn't care in 2012, why should they care in 2020?

>Valve is shitting itself due to competition and releasing trash after trash
>there's a """leak""" that somehow "confirms" HL.3 was kinda in the works
>backdoors are fixed literally 0 seconds after the leak
>Valve make a twitter announcement (the first in two years) saying "it's okay guys, continue to play"
they're losing their touch, this buzz is worthless and no one care

based? based on what?

I swear to christ gabe always has a phone/tablet in his hand whenever someone takes a candid photo.

All about checking that Uber Eats delivery status.

Attached: BIGGABE.jpg (800x535, 78.83K)


He's a big man with big needs.

he has billions of dollars, he can eat how much he wants until he dies

>Hire trannies
>Trannies ruin everything

blame boomer retardation for believing the new generation of faggots could handle a workplace

I hope Gabe learns his lesson now, its time to expel them all from Valve.

Attached: Former Valve employee seeks $3 1M in transgender discrimination suit.png (1142x2036, 1.56M)

Does someone have a link to the source code?

I don't think they know about second breakfast pippers

Valve/Gabe Newell cared bigtime because this was pre-steam and if HL2 had massive problems they were fucked.

They actually collaborated with the FBI to try to lure him into the US so they could put him in big boy american prison, but Germany found out, arrested him at the airport, and gave him 2 years probation.

tag: ugly old bastard

At least we can now create our own version of TF2 with extended features.

It means that the company is shit-worthy.
In other words: how can serious company invest in Valve knowing that the product will eventually be leaked to some retarded fanboy?

Nah, he's just constantly researching brain-computer interfaces and Dyson spheres

Valve doesn't need anyone to invest.
They aren't stock whores likes Ubisoft Bethesda or EA

he wants to be in the matrix but knows he will die before it is a reality. poor gaben

bethesda is privately owned

But not Zenimax which owns Bethesda and calls the shots.

Your mother is privately owned.

>But not Zenimax
yes it is

imagine the amount of bs the gaben have to deal with every single day

The TF2 source code is only missing cosmetic items from 2 community updates.

It's 1:1 the code on live.

Its not enough

I mean what are people gonna do?
Compile it themselves and set their own servers of the game? Who's gonna maintain it? You need a team of serious autists for this.
What about cheaters? What about backpacks? They're still f2p games and most people are gonna choose the official option.

Custom private servers with some new fleshed out gamemodes and etc.
>You need a team of serious autists for this.
Uh, no? It's just a fucking Source.

>You need a team of people to run game servers.
Fucking zoomers, jesus christ.