Is this actually a good game or just another vacuum for weeb shills?

Is this actually a good game or just another vacuum for weeb shills?

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Talk like a normal fucking person and stop trying to impress your little Yas Forums friends.

serviceable gameplay with a good story, phenomenal atmosphere and music

terrible game, don't bother.

One of the few 10/10's in existence.

mediocre combat with anime tier story.

pirate the OST and listen to it while playing a fighting game

Game feels like it was made by Platinum's C team. On par with Korra, which was a joke of a game. People only masturbate over the """story""".

>Must be a Yas word never heard of that

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It makes Redditors SEETHE, which is what 90% of this boards demographic is nowadays. So it's obviously a masterpiece

>makes Redditors SEETHE

>Play game
>finish it
>hey that was neat
>everyone tells me to replay it
I dont get it? Why?

I enjoyed it well enough. It has serviceable combat mechanics and an interesting story. You have to play through it multiple times to really experience it thoroughly, so I recommend exploring the game’s different weapons each playthrough. The game doesn’t run super great sadly and is visually inconsistent. Some locations look great while others look terrible.

>Everyone on Yas Forums talking about the game
>Hey looks cool alright better get on that
>Play up to the ancient aliens reveal
>huh alright I guess I'll play that some other time

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You play as the boy robot

You get to experience the game’s story from different perspectives. Also, the game’s so short that you kinda have to replay it for it to be worth it

Ending E is the real ending

The story should get some emotions out of you, unless you're a hypermasculin alpha male with no feelingerinos.
The Gameplay is fun for a few hours and then inoffensive enough not to get in the way of the story.
I'd say go for it, if it's at a discounted price. Don't bother with the DLC though.

Dunno any of the buzzwords you just said except weeb. Finished the game a week ago (Ending E) and as a non weeb ex-muslim fucking yo white girls leaf Chad, this game made me feel the same way mgs2 did for me when it came out on xbox. Unexpected feeling of dread and existentialism.

>ancient aliens
user, you're retarded and didn't pay attention. Those aren't "ancient aliens."

> Weeb (Makes sense since newfags constantly shill Sony garbage & western garbage, which is all that Reddit cares about, Boomer WRPGs & casualshit western games)
> Coomer (Because redditors are offended by attractive women despite the fact that Resetera loves this game)
> Shit (Newfag redditors constantly cry about anything Japanese, despite Yas Forums always being a Nintendo / JRPG / Touhou board that hated western shit outside of Deus Ex, Fallout 2 & Kotor)

I liked it.
The gameplay's pretty decent, although there's little to no mechanical push to really explore its intricacies.
Story's fine. There's one arc fueled by an idiot plot and a lot of moments with contrived emotional twists, but the characters are likable and there's a lot of genuinely well-made twists to the plot.
There's some pretensions to philosophical depth by referencing a lot of famous philosophers, but the references don't really add anything - you can kinda see a connection if you're already familiar with their work, but if you're out of high school, nothing in the game is gonna expand your mind.
2B has probably the best-designed ass in video games.

People aren't really explaining it accurately to you. Its not just "playing from a different perspective" through the same story like others said, or just "playing as the boy robot". It only appears that way when you first start. There is literally more story and more gameplay as you go through the different endings. You are missing out on a full half of the game's content and story if you stop at the first ending.

It was ok.
I liked Nier better.

Director is a pretentious douchag and put a credits scene at the middle of the story for no fucking reason at all.

You're literally just throwing out buzzwords with no regard for what they mean. Reddit likes Nier Automata.

It was good
Prjably the best OST I've ever heard, even better than the original
Good story and characters, mediocre gameplay


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What does gameplay (combat) compared to?ffVX? Something like that?

The way it was used in the OP? Yes. Nice pic btw. I'm sure all your Yas Forumsirgin friends on discord think you're hilarious.

>even better than the original
At best a 5/10 compared to the original...

One of the goats that came out this gen. Gameplay isn’t great, but the 2deep4u story got me hooked.

You're on Yas Forums too you spastic. Are you one of my Yas Forums friends?

Well they are ancient aliens in the timeline to the androids.

Ancient aliens is never used to refer to aliens that are literally ancient relative to the current time. Its always used to refer to that stupid conspiracy theory that aliens created human civilization. Which these aliens didn't do. They are just old and dead. They had nothing to do with building the pyramids or anything stupid like that.

>Press Square to awesome
Terrible game, buttonmashing coom trash. Go play a real game, like Bloodborne.

>real game

Ah yes
>Roll and press square to awesome
Good suggestion

Its like if Ikaruga was a third person action game with lore. The whole game reeks of Treasure because the director was a big fan.

Its a masterpiece, don't let the fandoms and weebs ruin it it.

low iq nigger detected

>muh ass
There is no ass in the game.