Animal Crossing

Should I build the Golden Toilet or save up for the Robot Hero that I'm realistically never going to be able to build

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Hey guys check out my island haha don't hit on me you silly boys I can't help being totes popular

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oh fuck I forgot to give Gulliver his parts I've never had this happen

>can only buy 1 or 5 shrubs at once
I wish you could just select how many shrubs you want to buy..

Water my flowers

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Literal NPC

suck my cock

If you want the Robot Hero just dig up the parts and don't give them to Gulliver.

>caring about the robot
toilet all the way bro
i don't believe you

>Raymond and Audie in the SAME island
It's not fair bros

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Is that why I can't go online?

Thank god I haven't updated yet

>you will never suck Orville's drumstick under the desk

fuck AC for making me horny for dodos

That's good though, you get free rusted parts out of that.

welcome to the Zone, nature boy

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Pic or it didn't happen.

>I have both Pietro and Coco
The game forced the clown on me, I had no choice. I want this fucker out. Coco I'm keeping though, I had her in Wild World and she was really cool, one of my favorites in my town.

God I hope there isn't a bullshit "too many shrubs" island rating penalty. Pisses me off to no end there's a limit on trees.

>lying this badly

fuck desperate coomers

If this were true the value of the real cards is going to shoot up significantly and Ankha will start selling for hundreds of dollars.

>golden toilet
How to get this recipe? Is it just random from villagers/bottles?

Wow I just tested it out and turns out it's bullshit. I am shocked

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Post your feet waterbug user

From snooty villagers, yes.

I'm banned for using fake amiibo! Wtf bros?

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Load up some Elite Smash so your faggot friends stop stomping you in 1v1

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I also got pietro forced on via first campsite villager. I feel like a lot of people I know got pietro out of it. I wonder if there’s only a handful of ones you can get from that?

>get new DIY recipe
>"oh finally something I'd actually use. I wonder what I need to-"
>recipe requires a furniture I've never seen
fuck crafting, and give me back the classic furniture sets

Why are you scaremongering Satania?

Fake and real amiibos are technically identical. There's no way for a device to tell the difference.

If they could block fake amiibos, they'd have done it via a Switch update long ago.

Blathers says the word "god" in one of the fossil dialogues. I never thought I'd see the word god in a Nintendo game, especially Animal Crossing.

how the fuck even could it? that would require a entire system update.

Can someone name all the furniture in this image
I usually try not to copy other people but I had this idea independently dammit

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What's wrong user? Don't you want his birb dick

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I just got kicked out of elite smash due to a zero suit samus circle camping me. incineroar is suffering

Utility Sink
Zen Cushion (customised)
Cardboard Box (customised)

> I never thought I'd see the word god in a Nintendo game
So have not played a Zelda game? Ever?

Damn I really want that TV.

You suffer from mental illness.

I prefer his brother actually. would want to play with his controlstick

what's the bed though

Are certain recipes only given to you by specific personality types? If so, then I guess there is a reason to have at least one of every personality (besides autism).


i think the mat is the beach towel

I like crafting, but I wish there was a way to request a specific recipe even if it was once a week, or at least guarantee a new one. Nothing more deflating than getting two repeats in the same day (beach washing up + villager daily recipe)

>besides autism
Wanting the most variety is autism now?

where do you think you are user

Completely impossible. Ignore the low tier troll.

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A fucking sheep. That's what you are. A fucking sheep.


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If I'm not at the actual current time, and I connect to another players island, will all the turnips I have in my pockets get fucked, assuming I'm more than a week off from the "actual" time?

WHY did they remove the save and continue option? Maybe I just want to save the game instead of waiting for an autosave. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF REMOVING IT


3 villagers will give out a recipe every day.. One in the morning, afternoon, and at night. Check your villager’s houses more often.

look at dis dood
Are they actually? I honestly have no idea. But both dodo's are great

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Yeah whatever. Wanna have gay butt sex? You can be the bottom.

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Just take some of the randomness out of it. Less dupes and eliminate the chances of getting a recipe you can't craft because you don't have the prerequisite item.

to stop you from being a neurotic sperg and saving constantly


Oh shit this is great advice thank you. Gonna take advantage of that quarantine

what time is considered to be morning, afternoon and night?

Someone call Raphi in to bulky this idiot


Stop being a time-traveling faggot

they're probably not, but it's assumed because of the name

>the pilot is fat while the one who's stuck on desk isn't


How do you get the cardboard box in different colors, you can't actually customize it. I don't know why some non-DIY items are customizable and some of them you have to obtain every individual variation. Just make all of them customizable. It makes NO sense.

You got me Satania poster.

Yes...I get why they do stuff that forces us to communicate and trade with each other but sometimes you just wanna make a bed lol.

Really the biggest thing I want is crafting recipes for what villagers already have in their house. So frustrating to see a library and not just be able to ask ole sherb for the recipe