What is combine's endgame?

what is combine's endgame?

Attached: 5G CITADEL.png (2560x1440, 2.72M)

They're a parasitic species.
They don't have one.
They conquer a planet, and move on to the next planet.

same as the united states

Well, combines are used to harvest grain crops.

To harvest the wheat. Like all combines.

masturbation machines

to... COMBINE!!!

The combine is what humanity will become without intervention.

I could only hope that humans would be so based

The highest "authority" in the Combine might not even be conscious in the same sense that humans are. It could just be a species that incessantly but brainlessly subjugates other planets with no real forethought.

They're just some AI beurocracy that expands onwards forever and ever

To civilize and advance species who are primitive.

Delaying universal heat death

>cutting your dick off and cloning you like a plant

>He wouldn't trade his dick for immortality
>Thinks having a dick is a measure of based-ness
>He doesn't think having an inter-dimensional empire with which you subjugate countless races is based
Ok simp

Looks like Earth to them is/was just a logistics hub, thanks to the portal, that's the entire use of the planet.

Subjugating the population has only the purpose to keep them from blowing up said portal.

They are colonizers in the way of not turning earth into a new home, but just for logistics, like some 15th century Portuguese trading post. Humanity is being repressed to keep the post operating smoothly. That's all there is to it.

Holy shit
The citadel was a 5G tower
That's deep

Stopping the G-Man

Epistle 3 was good and it's the end of Half Life for me.

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so when the suppression field failed, there was a planet wide zion style orgy, huh?

I remember dyson sphere general

Thank you based Combine

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Why would they care if their universe dies. They can LITERALLY teleports to other universes

>having an inter-dimensional empire with which you subjugate countless races
Except they turn you into this and you don't do anything all day except push buttons for the slug overlords.

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Nah I'm saying it'd be based to be the race turning them into those

They're a conglomerate that wishes to exist as long as possible in a forever expanding and collapsing universe by overtaking planets for resources and workers. They may have existed well before earth and will most likely exist far after.

Ok but the subjugators probably get to keep their dicks

They don't exactly teleport to other universes, they just go to another dimension of the universe.
There is still a death here to them. They will last for as long as the universe is habitable, in multiple dimensions, but they are still constrained by the universe themselves.
You have a 1 and a 0. You can't go more than that. But there is an infinity between 1 and 0 itself.

That's the Combine.
The combine is basically what would happen if we let the smartest possible people with the sole intention of preserving the intelligence of the species.

The combine exist solely to survive and expand, meaning work is mandatory whether you're conscious of doing it or not.

What purpose would they have for them? Procreation is a means to perpetuate your existence (as in perpetuating the cells that make you up) in some way and if they can just download themselves into new bodies constantly what purpose would they have for procreation

Suck Earth dry.
Either amalgamate humans into their armies or wipe them out - and they're pretty wishy-washy on this one, hence humans aren't even allowed to fuck with purpose.
Move on and do it to the next planet.

Combine doesn't really have any major plans for Earth. As far as they're concerned, Earth's downfall is Tuesday.