Nomura-san, we can't put Yuffie in Midgar, it will make literally no sense!

>Nomura-san, we can't put Yuffie in Midgar, it will make literally no sense!
>Don't worry bro, I gotcha

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It's pretty crazy that they added these new unique npcs with decent designs and stuff and did nothing with them. What the fuck was the point of Roche? Such weird decisions were made with this game.

>Attention all BWCs line up

It's not Yuffie at all though. She's from pic related. It came out in 2011.

Attached: Final_Fantasy_VII_The_Kids_Are_Alright_cover.jpg (333x500, 30.04K)

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He'll be back.

>with decent designs
>decent designs

They're decent. Not good. Just eh.

This character was created a decade ago by Roberto. I love how she sounds exactly like TFS abridged Yuffie though.

Roche was too based for this world.

He could have been cool if they did literally anything interesting with him.

come on guys marie is not that bad

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>when the BWC goes in

>decent design
>your generic Nomura character that looks like a K-pop or J-pop idol
Oh, user...

Marie isn't even original, because Marie and Golden are from 2012.
Kyrie and her novel are from 2011.
Get fucked.

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>tfw no shinra middle manager sidequest / bossfight

>What the fuck was the point of Roche?
to create a reason for bike sections in the next part

Reminder Leslie is literally Yozora and the Nomura Cinematic universe is real.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE_20200421084747.png (1920x1080, 2.56M)

She is so hot tho
That ass shot

>arguing over which is original
I'm gonna fap to both of them.

If Kyrie is discount Yuffie, Leslie is discount cuck Vincent.

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People are retarded, who knew?

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>remake FFVII after 23 years
>Don't even remake the whole thing
>Anybody gives a shit about any other aspect

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SFM porn bus stop

She can get it

Roche is definitely coming back and we're probably getting his ride when he dies I just wonder why it's ok for him to trash shinra goons without getting in trouble

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