now this...
this was a real game
I never played this game, never played a metal gear game. This game just looks like another brainless button masher, prove me wrong.
If you just mash the attack button you'll lose. Especially against the Mastiffs.
It's actually an incredible kino action game, it's based on parry timing and features fucking rad cyborgs and rock music.
Go fight Armstrong on Revengeance difficulty with a mouse and keyboard, it was the most precise I think I've ever had to be in a video game
my stiffs in your mum
Alright cool, but what tells me that there won't be a batman mechanic of pushing a button to dodge attacks?
>parry timing
Ok, so it's Sekiro but better?
What exactly do you mean by this? Are fights just enemy attacks memorization or something?
You wish you slow-ass bitch. You better learn to parry good before Monsoon uses his memes to tear your heart out.
Just play it already you fucking retard.
>not dodging all the way through Monsoon without a single parry
What was the point of kidnapping the guy from Africa if they just murder him 2 minutes later on the train?
It's part memorization, part improvisation, you think you know the fight until he does some weird shit and just bodies you, and you have to do slow motion slicing pretty quickly
that sounds soulless as fuck
They're just giving war a chance
Alright fine I'll bite, but only if you reassure me that there aren't any bullshit nonsensical excuses for the plot. By that I mean
>Muh metal gear
>Muh AI
>Muh drug trip
>Muh nanomachines
>Muh words
I swear to god if there isn't at least a single compelling villain with actual fucking motives I'm out.
>finally get the no damage monsoon trophy on revengance difficulty
I am a parry god.
>not being forced to get good and learn how to parry on Sam in the field.
>you actually showed him a good time by learning the fucking game.
The game isn't a traditional metal gear game at all and doesn't really take itself seriously. That said the final boss is pure fucking kino and if you don't lose your shit you have no soul .
It was my first Metal Gear game, I was already aware of the series but hadn't played one until this. It blew me away. The themes, the tone, the memes (in its actual definition). Right off the bat it feels like a totally unique experience. On the surface the gameplay might seem very similar to other games, the beauty is in how it all comes together. It's something incredible to behold. You have to play it to understand.
Sundowner wanted to use him as a hostage until he could escape.
Once he was in the clear it looks like he just wanted to lecture him on war before killing him.
Jetstream Sam, he's not a bad guy, he just joins the villains hoping to get the fight of his life and thinks Raiden can give it to him
Well technically there are Nanomachines, son.
But they only harden in response to physical trauma.
that fuking game was so good and to think it was on PS3. I was completely thrown off tho by how the difficulty ramped up on the final boss. I got the special edition that cam with the plasma sword lamp and steel book with sound track pure kino.
whats the point of the world if there isnt a little chaos
I had that lamp. The real one looked like shit and it stopped working after sitting on a shelf for a few months even though I turned it on like two times.
I only discovered there even was a dodge during my third play through. Still haven't used it.
Parrying's the easy way out. Become the lightning and Defensive Offense your way straight through.
>played all the way up to monsoon using nothing but the sliding attack since I skipped the tutorials
Tbh I made my way up to Mistral with that tactic and the game wasn't really clicking for me and I thought it was overhyped shit.
Mistral taught me the ways of the parry. Mistral taught me to love the parry. Mistral taught me that there's nothing more fun than improving, in real time, mastering the timing and rhythm of combat until your enemy is dead.
Seriously though, once I figured out how the game works, it was so fucking awesome to play.
Real tactics kick in once you get the SSS (Sundowner Shrubbery Shearers) and kill everything by bisecting them.