Imagine modern gaming without these two cancer factories
Imagine modern gaming without these two cancer factories
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There'd be something else you'd complain about.
>being mad about discord because you're not in one
what makes it different than skype/mumble/etc?
Twitch is worse btw
I don't follow internet drama, but discord has been an amazing app for my friends and I to hang out on while the quarantine is happening. I never use twitch because watching video game streams is hella gay and jackbox plays better on mixer.
Imagine modern gaming without this cancer factory
Discord is fine, better than the VOIP clients that came before it. Twitch is hot garbage that popularized the streaming meme.
>discord is fine
you don't get it innit?
If they didn't exist, another service exactly like them would simply take their place.
Discord is completely fine, and I'd even go as far as to say good, from a mechanical standpoint. Obviously the community is fucking garbage, but people love to sensationalize everything so they act like drama-inducing faggots literally crawl out of the woodworks to find you when in reality it really is not even remotely difficult to find servers populated by decent people.
Twitch on the other hand is in a similar boat to Youtube where it's a pretty basic service that has gotten popular by virtue of "everyone else is there". The people in charge are shitty and the vast majority of streamers on the site are shitty, but just like Discord and literally any other website, it's really easy to just avoid faggots if you don't go out of your way to find them.
Sorry, I don't speak bong.
Wow, random sluts make money by being sluts? That sure does have a negative impact on me.
Imagine modern gaming without social media. No Twitter no Reddit no everything related to that. We should make the Internet a wild west
I wish i was on a comfy video game internet forum again
Obligatory "the App is named after an FFXI e-thot that the game's #1 player probably erp'd with" post.
>not even remotely difficult to find servers populated by decent people.
Prove it, I only ever found utter shit servers.
>started streaming on twitch because of all this newfound free time
>tfw its actually fun
>tfw people actually want to watch me play vidya on the internet
If you can’t beat em, join em.
Then YouTube would reign supreme
And let me guess, you found these servers from the in-app search engine?
Find decent people with servers and join their servers. It's real basic online chatroom shit. The surface level shit is always filled with fags. It's been like that since the beginning.
There should be no facilitation of that degenerate, depraved shit. Its prevalent enough in our society and it shows- everything is rotten to its core. But I know that you, as a burnout coomer, dont care about any of that as long as you get your fix.
Of course harlots have never existed before, women making money from sexual provocation is a brand new development Twitch invented.
>Discord is completely fine
spotted the discord drama cocksucker
Spotted the zoomer who doesn't know how to find decent online communities and blames everyone but himself for his inability to utilize a website properly.
I don't have to because I lived it and it was great.
Fucking kill yourself already. Jesus Christ, I'd take the social justice cancer over you neopuritan faggots.
>using discord to find communities
>not making a server for your small group of friends to use as a voice server with the single channel for shit posting
No user, you're the tranny
I see I struck a nerve. In that case you know exactly what I'm talking about and you're just trying to protect your sick, demented habits. If that's being puritan you probably think hard drugs should be legalized too. It's time to grow up and sort yourself out buddy.
You're retarded. Of course it's nothing new, you arent an intellectual for pointing that out. It doesnt mean it should be facilitated.
And why not?
>steam community turned into discord
>the laid back admin has slowly but surely become more and more power hungry and makes more and more stupid decisions
>people start getting pissed and the community splinters as a result
i fucking hate discord
People use discord for anything other than this? What the fuck?
I like Discord as a shitposting application and there was some cool servers out there such as Let's All Love Lain.
Twitch was a nice idea that got executed in a cringeworthy manner. The idea of having live shows and archived shows is great but the double and triple standards and heavy censorship of streamers who claimed there were only two genders or saying "nigga" even if it was reading text are retarded. Some games get blocked because of nudity and sex yet you can play a Conan Exiles with the characters naked all the time and it is considered acceptable.
Free the words nigger already as well as the words retard and faggot. That way people won't get tossed under the bus for having an accident or when they get trolled and someone says it or plays an audio that has it.
If you need me to explain why porn, promiscuity, and hypersexualization is unhealthy to a society than you are either a teenager or are being dishonest.
Based pseud
Soft core pornography does not belong on a website targeting teenagers under the context of streaming games.
Vidya > tits
also v-tubers
But those things have always been part of most societies.
Why do people use discord when steam chat and team speak exist?
Memory leaks, sells your data, overall bloated.
That's literally what I'm suggesting you fucking retard.
My friend is a faggot and let faggots who cry about nigger jokes join.
people like this should be hanged, and those who support them should be too
>nigger/faggot jokes
Are you from 2008 per chance? Or under age?