Playing this immediately after VII is making me realize how shit it is
Playing this immediately after VII is making me realize how shit it is
at least it's not the worst time travel story in the franchise anymore
But it looks nice, and its different to FF7
That means it's good, right?
this. the story is different from ff7 so it must be a good thing. different is better just like 7r
It really is shit.
My friend and I tried it for a few days, aside from Dollet it was just too dull honestly.
We went straight to IX instead and enjoyed it more.
Reading this is making me realize how shit OP is LMAO
>Best final fantasy: FFVII
>worst final fantasy: FFVII remake
poor FFVIII it cant win even one.
if you honestly think ff7 is worse than 8 because of changebads you are genuinely retarded
There are SO many worse Final Fantasys than even 8
Nothing is more retarded than Junctioning and how they explain the mechanic to you
Once you understand how to junction its not bad at all.
this. all the criticism about junctioning is about how they balance it, not necessarily the system itself
i was gifted steam money but i have literally every game i could ever ask for already, i'm at the point where i'm considering buying this even though i've literally never touched the final fantasy series, nor am i particularly fond of turn based games at all. i just really like the aesthetic of it.
is this a good starting point to get into the series? a good starting point to get into turn based rpgs?
Plus you have to go out of your way to cheese it in such a way that you break the game early. If you play FF8 like a regular ass RPG it's got some difficult spots as the enemies level with you.
People who intentionally break the game before Balamb are just memeing at that point.
FF8 requires 200 IQ to enjoy.
>time travel story
Play X its extremely linear has a decent story and a decent combat system if you like that play the others.
8 is still worse FF7r's time travel story.
did you even play 8?
nothing can match how retarded time jannies are. it makes ff8 look like Shakespeare
It would help if the UI wasn't one of the worst in game history.
>Defaults to completely gray menu
>Virtually no visual aids
>Most of the text consists of abbreviations and statistics
>Layers upon layers of messy windows with no visual distinction between them
It's like working through fucking data entry.
yeah, and it sucks
but FF7r is fresh in my mind, and it completely untravels the moment you critically think about it for 2 seconds... like most time travel stories. Time travel stories suck ass.
You are deluded.
FF7 is for trannies FF8 is for chads.
>Hello, based department? You're gonna want to see this..
>based department here, shtop calling this number
People bought FF8 because of how good FF7 was. Then it failed to deliver. Trust lost.
Just like how people bought RE3 Remake because of how good RE2 Remake was. Then it shit the bed. Trust lost.
FF8's story were literally leftover scraps from FF7 that were deemed not good enough to be included (the sorcerer bits and some other stuff)
I had the exact opposite experience, dropped IX after about 4 hours, need to go back to it one day. It’s just, well, boring, and I love the first and third FFs.
Please, anyone in this thread who hasn’t played an FF, please for the love of god don’t listen to this guy’s opinion.
It's a shame because the potential is there to be one of best FF games
he's right tho
Why are fags attacking FF8 so hard all of a sudden?
Because it has the best chance of getting a remake, besides 7, and that pisses 6 and 9 fags off.
to deflect from 7r
don’t bait me
8 was never good, it just so happens to be the kicking bucket of saying "7R isn't 8 bad" right now
that isn't bait.
Me saying XIII is good is bait
I hope they never, ever, remake any of those three games and subject them to the demonic will of Nomura.
If you like X because it’s linear then you would love XIII.
FF8 had very cool CGI cutscenes and great music for Nobuo Uematsu. Squall only challenge is very fun too. The game is imbued with soul. Fuck the haters.
Nah, fuck off. FF8 establishes a stable time loop.
FF7r is multiple timelines fuckery.
Limit breaks were more broken than junctions. I kept Squall at half death the entire game and just smashed circle and renzokuken'd everything to dust. After you get Lion Heart it becomes a complete joke of a game, except maybe for Omega Weapon. This game needed a Limit meter more than balancing of junctions
Hey, i wasn't the one who bought FF7r.
Unlike 7R it actually has soul
I'm not the one defending 8's story
I had the same experience with 9 back in 2002 or whenever. I played up to the end of the ice cavern, but didn't get hooked and dropped the game. Then I tried it again months later and it grabbed me that time and I played all the way through and loved it so much I'd put it somewhere in my top 3 FF games and even my top 10 or 20 games of all time. The game is so damn good and I'm not sure why it didn't grip me immediately the first time, because it's not like to beginning is slow or anything. I dunno. But I definitely reccomend trying it again.
IX's my favorite but it's also extremely slow. The tutorial is persona levels in length, you spend a lot of time fucking around in towns, and the battle speed is painfully slow. Go play one of the SNES ones. Pick whatever, they're all good.
If for whatever reason you still decide to play IX first, be sure to get the PC version and download the moguri mod.
>a stable time loop.
When is that EVER a good thing to establish in a storyline that takes itself seriously? Where does it begin? Will it ever end? It's the worst way you can try to use time travel to spice up your story when "it just happens to cause the plot and loops in on itself infinitely" is your bullshit. Timelines are fucking tolerable by comparison if you just approach it with the Dragon Ball Z idea of timelines stemming from major shit and can treat them as their own things besides the hoppers.
you are defending 7r story though, which is much worse
>watched a recap vid of FFVIII's story
>the whole part with Laguna being Squall's father and the Lunatic Pandora
Fucking Christ the orphanage was bad, but I didn't remember THAT part to be that fucking bad too.
I'm not the one who litetally has no arguments.
What is up with the battle speed? How can it be even slower than 8? I don’t understand how they thought this was ok.
stupid nostalgiafag.
>"it just happens to cause the plot and loops in on itself infinitely"
You never played ff8.