So are you enjoying Dragon Marked for Death now that they fixed the matchmaking?
So are you enjoying Dragon Marked for Death now that they fixed the matchmaking?
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I don't even know what that is and too lazy to look up.
Probably shit desu if I never even heard of it.
Have sex.
Had already.
Does it actually play like guardian heroes? I was gonna get it for switch but i was annoyed at having to buy the different characters.
No because I still can't play it solo.
No it's multiplayer Mega Man Zero except they split Zero's abilities into three different characters so only one can dash, only one has the sword, only one has charged shots, etc.
Regardless of which character you choose you feel fucking crippled and the game is impossible to play solo because it's balanced for multiplayer
Also it forces you to grind like fuck so you have to do the same stages like 20 times and they're balanced for multi so you can't even grind on your own
Fuck this game
here, I looked it up. This game looks like homo sex. It's probably enjoyable I guess, but only if you're gay. No surprise OP likes it.
Dilate, you fat American fuck.
oh shit i thought this was a shitch exclusive
Make me.
Warrior, Shinobi and Witch don't play like Zero at all. There's a way better comparison for Shinobi, in fact.
Under witch spells, it says she has a status cure and a status buff. Neither of these incantations do anything. Am I missing something?
I would if I could fucking find anyone to play with. If they fixed matchmaking, it doesn't feel like it. And if they did, that means theres no one around, which fucking sucks because this game is great. Where the fuck is everyone?
Playing the pirated version with CreamAPI, duh.
it was originally released on Switch, its a sidescrolling action rpg. it is honestly pretty garbage, Yas Forums had a few threads on its release.
it was grindy trash and multiplayer was dead almost immediately. had to buy the game twice to get all characters (i bought Shinobi/Witch). Playing as Witch is tedious as fuck and takes a lot of effort, enemies dick you all the time unless you extremely fast on your Dial-a-spell combat mechanics. some enemies/bosses have abilities that are unavoidable and you need a fucking Guardian/tank character to block the damage for you, Levitate does fuck all but get you to places you normally couldn't or just barely jump over enemy attacks/spells.
lots more to shit on about but honestly its a cheaply made game for a quick buck. 3/10, i want my money and time back.
But pirated versions can play with others, can't they? So where are all you fags?
They can.
Does anyone play this game on the Switch?
>some enemies/bosses have abilities that are unavoidable
There are some things that are stupidly hard to dodge but nothing unavoidable.
>some enemies/bosses have abilities that are unavoidable and you need a fucking Guardian/tank character to block the damage for you
this isn't true, the only exception I can think of is werewolf in the lever rooms since they terrain isn't level. Even the ogre's screen wide flamethrower can be dodged by standing under him, although its extremely precise. Or you can just manipulate his AI so he never uses it, which is much easier.
Man i actually bought this game on the switch. Too bad its unplayable in single player, the servers are empty and you have to buy characters. I wouldn't touch this game with a 10 inch pole on pc
Don't worry, it's unplayable in multi too
I meant that content is made for multiplayer
You'd think that, but endgame multiplayer scaling gets so ridiculous that it becomes just as nightmarish as soloing, if not moreso.
So its even worse? I'm so disappointed at this game. I really think it has a nice base
is there a general for this? I wanna play with mister user
Mega Man General on /vg/ discusses inti games too, but I don't think DMFD is popular there (or anywhere)
Set up a room and post the number? It's got room codes like MonHun does.