Crowdfunding started 7 years ago

>crowdfunding started 7 years ago
>has raised over 300 million since
>game still in beta
How is this legal

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As a scam master once said: 'Pigeons'

>game still in beta
it's not even in Alpha

Post yfw you didn't fall for Scam Citizen

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I remember the announcement and going "oh, cool, we are gonna get Cryengine freelancer in 2 years! Can't wait..."
fuck my life

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Didn't Roberts start working on it in 2010? It's been 10 years now.

If you haven't realized this guy scammed a shitton of people and ran away with the money
Literally he could just throw 50 millions and make an average game to at least "thanks" the people who made him millonaire, but he won't since people like that want every,single penny.
Capitalism was a mistake.

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ive fallen so deep into this pit i cant help but have hope for it please help

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>Didn't Roberts start working on it in 2010?
No he fucking didn't.
The presentation on GDC 2012 announcement was made by Crytek
People thought the game was fucking halfway done from what they saw and dropped a tsunami of money on his head.

It's an obvious ponzi scam, i don't blame them if they fell for the kickstarter meme at the start but it's just retardation at this point trying to fund this thing

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>tfw you invested $2k into this shit and that you will probably never see a return

but actually the progress theyve made in the past year or two is kind of insane and gives me hope that he still actually cares about making a game


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This picture is so funny haha.

games never gonna come out but hey at least it looks nice tho

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>ran away with the money
Even better, he stayed and kept milking the retards with big disposable income

Turns out it's not illegal to say "Hey, if you give me money I might eventually make a game with it" and then have people just hand you mountains of cash.

>it looks nice
Looks outdated to me. Development started during the ps3 era. The ps5 will be launched later this year but scam citizen will still be in pre-alpha

It will come.
But not before an official "canceled" like last of us 2.

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Who cares if morons get fleeced? It's their own fault for buying so heavily into something that didnt exist, I'm really hard pressed to feel bad for them. Dont get me wrong, part of me is sad that the game didnt make it because the idea sounds genuinely awesome, but I also wasnt dumb enough to bank hundreds or even thousands of dollars on nothing more then an idea. That's absurd and foolish.

Didnt they have to remake the game from scratch since then?

CIG is a textbook example of criminal company mismanagement.
IF you fired Roberts into the sun this second and put in some competent execs to whip the place into shape and actually tel the devs to their fucking jobs, you would have a game he promised you 2-3 years from now.
People who got out said the place isn't a Potemkin village.
They have competent core staff, tech and money.
They don't know what the fuck to do with it.
Roberts is a raging little despot who makes people redo weeks of work over and over again changing inane shit halfway through the pipe destroying any semblance of steady workflow.
Not to mention he puts fucking Kojima to shame in how much he wants to be a fucking movie director instead of a game developer.

I can't understand why cultists think Roberts is something special. If industry giants like Rockstar, Bethesda, Blizzard and Ubisoft couldn't build something of that scale and scope, how can Roberts' team of talentless hacks do it?

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If you want a space sandbox to fuck around in, play EVE. Otherwise, there isn't much else out there.

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Yes, in 2016 they switched to Lumberyard and pretty much had to start over.

Cool to look at. Can you go in any of those buildings? Could I walk in the lobby and go to one of the 8th floor janitor's closets and look around? There comes a point in this game's development where too much detail has crippled it. What's the point of buildings if the only interaction with them is crashing into them or looking at them?
>tfw No Man's Sky actually came back

I have recently started Elite Dangerous, and I havent put enough time into it yet to have gotten into it fully, but it seems pretty neat

Man who loves EVE here.
You are correct but also incorrect.
IF Star Citizen ever achieves the thing it's trying to achieve, it could be better than EVE.
Of course, you know. That's a BIG FUCKING "IF"

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2018.02.28 - (1920x1080, 2.52M)

elite player here. It's a good game to play if you happen to be quarantined. You'll make most of your money trucking or exploring. Combat is sort of fun for a few minutes. E:D is a galaxy wide and about 100 feet deep. That being said, I still enjoy my time playing it. I'm down to answer any questions you may have. If not, protip: start mining void opals in planetary rings for fast initial startup cash. You'll have to google which starports are selling VOs for the highest price.

>mfw i bought a ship a few years ago and have only go on once since then

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what is it trying to achieve?