Wtf how do I equip goblin mail???
Wtf how do I equip goblin mail???
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You need to learn the skill.
< lvls?
Hehehuebuehehehuehhee it looks like a vagina
I wonder if these r_atheists types ever regretted making any of these and putting pictures of themselves online.
slayer lvls? only 90+ reply
You need to start by goblin
Goblin deez nuts
I miss it
You go to goblin jail.
>get to level 85 anything
>immediately lose will to keep leveling whatever stat
Who else /never99/?
I think I quit at 86 stre and burned everything in fally. Absolutely regret it now. Not that the acc is recoverable now.
Just autoclick everything
I'm literally fishing right now. 56.
> be me
> be born in Europe
> don't have ADHD and autism
> get 99s
You need to defeat the Apache helicopter
Bump for osrs thread
Fun fact:
I played back in 2005-2010 as a kid. I think I got my first 60+ skills only after 2008, but still was retarded.
Anyway, as I started osrs again in late 2018, my friend pranked me and told me I can actually wear goblin mail
Been out of the loop but do OSRS and RS3 exist in the same universe or are they separate, I know gameplay wise they vary but in terms of the in-game history?
Got an account from the time the Draynor Manor quest came out in RS1. Got bunny ears and scythe and shit. Worth anything?
You have to be an American
Rs3 definitely has more in-game history. It's set in sixth age while OSRS is set in 4th age. So RS3 has more richer history though some of the things do overlap.
Basically OSRS is alternate timeline after 2007 (somewhere in middle of 4th age)
both are untradeable. Worthless. But maybe your account might be worth something
Yea meant the account - should have elaborated. Probably too much of a fuck around to sell anyway.
I hit 70 in every skill and quit the game
What are you boys working on right now?
I just started a uim and planning shit out is surprisingly fun
>born in Europe
Nice job avoiding abortion
I need to get 87 herblore for Master clue. I have 58 herblore right now. Seems like to get to 87 it will cost me half of my bank.
found this in the osrs /vg/ thread hopefully it'll help.
I am not looking forward to doing herblore on my account.
I burnt hard doing Inferno attempts and haven't played in a month.
Might log in and just 2 tick teaks to 99 over the weekend or something.
Good luck on Inferno. What's your equipment looking like?
Full arma, full ahrims, ACB, master wand, crystal shield ect.
Basically the full non raids gear setup that an iron would typically use.
I wish I had justicar to giga cheese my way through the waves, but I want an infernal cape before starting ToB.
Why do people still play OSRS, holy shit let go already of this shitty game