Is coomerism in games inherently bad?

is coomerism in games inherently bad?

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Not really. Times were, people were pretty okay with that stuff.

Too much ass

Absolutely not.

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Maybe if you’re a burger. The civilized world doesn’t care.

Coomerism moves the civilization forward, grasshopper.

go back to ireland

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Boobs are like ass except shit doesn't come out of them.

If you like ass you literally have a scat fetish.

Ok goldberg

degenerate trash in all forms must be purged.
unless its my fetish

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Nope, inherently good actually. It wards off the retards who demand the genre change to fit them while in the same breath claiming to be the “real fans”.

What is your fetish, user?

nope, it's today's incels and sjw fags who are all snowflakes.

cute girls and boys only though none of that fucking monster shit.

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>he's never had his GF lay him back, blindfold him, and lube his cock well before squatting down on it and engulfing it in it's entirety with her butthole as a surprise

Only when it conflicts with actual gameplay. If part of your gameplay needs to be bent to adhere to cooming then it's an issue. Otherwise no.

was she black?

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based vorebro

Sex fucking sells. The industry should be throwing tits, ass, feet, every single fetish left and right at me nonstop just to grab my attention if they so much as deserve even a fraction of my income.

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it's bad when there's literally no game underneath it, but people still try to claim there is because they're thinking with their dick

When mine first did that I asked if she did what I think she did, but she cut me off, putting her hand on my mouth, and riding me til I coom’d. It was fucking amazing and we’ve been doing anal more ever since.

>make coomer furbait character
>literally everybody seethes

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this... MOMENT.. give me boner :)

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god I love pepper

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well I'm going to need source on that

It's not inherently bad, the issue lies with the retards that crave it and need it.


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Yes actually, but only if it's done like in your webm.


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No. In fact, I like it a lot.

modded Sims 4

you wouldn't understand the humour of conker if it bit you in the ass zoomer

when will this meme end?

>incels get mad at people making fun of them
>in turn they start making fun of people for being horny

Weird flex

>brainlet take
Buying a game because of titties.

>big brain take
Buying a game that's 10/10, while simultaneously having titties in it.

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How can we get rid of the west's phobia of big tits in video games? It all just seems silly to me

>Wasting seed to fictional characters moves the species forward
I dont think so, tim.

>having a porn addiction is the same as just being horny

gore good, boob bad


Wat gaem?

That's more of an American thing, I think. Turns out, when your country is founded by the fucking Puritans, you get some weird cultural hangups.

Go! Go! Hypergrind, user.

This, I’m not sure we’re gunna see that change for a long time.

Big tits are fucking stupid. The women that grow huge tits grow old and their tits sag and look like uneven bags of flesh. The best tits are small tits because it makes women look younger than 18 and the developers know this. Western devs are pedophiles.

stop making me want to fuck cats

>Complains about immersion
>When OP's webm takes place in a literal strip club
Seems pretty on point to me.

bullshit, cooming can enhance gameplay

Sex will never not be a huge part of marketing and all creative products. Unless people somehow stop being instinctively programmed to want sex of course it's going to be important to everything made by anyone.

Sorry, user, you wanted that long before you learned about that game.

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Breasts are just imitation asses. Who would choose a fake over the real thing?

Actual unironic question concerning the coomerism meme.

Most of the supposed harmful effects actually pertain to pornography itself, right?
Does this mean that fapping to your imagination is totally fine, and won't lead you to the path of the coomer?

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Me too, and i dont even know what game she is from.

everything has its place in entertainment. It fits perfectly well in a raunchy, deliberately immature game like Conker

>dumping spaghetti.exe

Is that robot Chris-chan?


we get it you liked prison school
reminder that the dude was literally just making shit up to try and convince the chairman that he was an ass man

Thank you


Hod, that ass.

imagine you can imagine something so powerful that you cum without jacking off

Conker is zoomercore, bro

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>zoomer doesn't know about the N64 version
nice try at bait though

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