Let's see the best Japan has to offer
All that supposedly good japanese writing you're talking about is the product of localization, japanese writing in games is horribly dull and formulaic
it says "How do you do, shits"
I can't think of any, op. You win.
Men want one thing and it's disgusting
Was Sue really Justin’s cousin or was she just using aunt as an honorific when talking to Lily?
The depressing part is that you're right, I can't name a game I find the dialogue to be good as a whole.
wow maybe because they put the gameplay first? Fucking novel concept I know.
There was a real BnR comment of this kind of persuasion at the beginning of baten kaitos, too bad I forgot what was said
YU-NO had good dialogue
or rather monologue
I think they're related
A vydia is a combination of gameplay, story, music. A good story needs good characters. Good characters are portrayed specially by good dialogue.
Is this xenogears
Lol, the localizations are usually the dull and formulaic ones.
XBC2, unironically. I know Yas Forums likes to shit on this game, but there's some absolutely fucking kino moments and it's translated almost entirely faithfully Yes, I know there's a few things they toned down jokes about Tora's family being pervy/creepy with Poppy, but aside from one joke from Gramps everything else is intact
No, that's Chrono Cross.
>Interesting artstyle and character
>Wasted on yet another one of those meta "I love you but I'm just a character in a game, forever separated from you!" concepts
what game
It could be (You)
Are you 12? I can't believe anyone who lived through the 90's-00's anime boom would have such an opinion.
Same art director btw
Looks like nukige-tier trash.
Most of the dialogue you think is really good is the result of good localization.
Japanese writers are just holding back!
Any translations done by Alexander O. Smith. See Vagrant Story, Tactics Ogre LUCT, Final Fantasy 12, etc.
Literal translation from JP
Is this "magic" stuff really that easy to use?
If you believe the studies of ancient legend, there were these "grimoires" that let anyone use it.
In game translation:
...Swine'll take wing ‘fore the likes of us use magick, my friend.
Aye, but with a grimoire, your fattest sow could outfly my swiftest falcon—if ye believe the chroniclers.
On the one hand Matsuno spins great stories and characters and AOSmith really does the universe and everything justice. on the other hand Matsuno's games have terrible gameplay mechanics without fail.
Star Fox 64
For the longest time I thought those little balls under her collar were her breasts.
>those fucking filters
Good Lord...
That's just how the remaster looks.
>playing the shitty """remaster"""
Lets look for some examples
>we will defeat you with the power of friendship!
>it cant be helped
>if you kill him you will be just like him
>haha this is our for you
>Most of the dialogue you think is really good is the result of good localization.
It fucking kills me seeing weeb faggots doing this all the time.
And the reverse, where anything bad is instantly assumed to be fine in Japanese.
the latter is always hilarious to see
Go look up Kefka's Japanese dialogue in FF6.