Does Yas Forums like emily kaldwin?

does Yas Forums like emily kaldwin?

Attached: Emily_Study_1200_geschnitten.png (853x1200, 752.8K)

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If she weren't in such a shit game, maybe.

I haven't played Dishonored 2, the shitty performance at launch and change in the Outsider's VA scared me away. Is it good/worth the money? I think Dishonored and Prey are fucking amazing, I like almost all of Arkane's work.

I like her VA. The decision to retcon the first game's endings to shoehorn her into being a playable character was fucking idiotic, though.
The performance was improved, though still isn't great. I found it mostly a retread of the first game, though the Jindosh mansion level was a lot of fun.

>I think Dishonored and Prey are fucking amazing
It's not by the same director.
That had Colantonio, 2 only had Harvey.



Every element is either the same or improved Dishonored.

Story is a bit weaker than 1 but the gameplay is fantastic

>mostly a retread of the first game
I might check it out after a sale then.
>It's not by the same director.
I wasn't aware of this, that's interesting.
No way. I'm so I haven't played the game but is this actually true?

Wyman is a dude. The devs said some shit about intentionally leaving it up in the air but all the tie-in material refers to wyman with male pronouns, and every foreign language translation (done side by side with Arkane) refers to Wyman with male pronouns.

It's better than 1. You have way more stealth options. You can play as Corvo too so it's not like Emily is forced. Really good level design, Clockwork Mansion is probably the best mission alongside the Bank from Death of the Outsider.

I couldn't really root for her since by all accounts she was a pretty shitty empress when she was in power, and being preferable to a psychotic genocidal witch isn't all that impressive.

Why is Corvo's daughter an Asian?

>beat the game the first time with Low Chaos and all-spared as Emily (except for Jindosh because his mercy option is horrendous) in total stealth with no real use of powers or weapons beyond Far Reach
>mfw I replay the game as total magfucker all-powers vengeance boner murderhobo Corvo at max chaos, going all out with weapons and abilities
>and in black and white

Attached: 1587562376872.gif (291x247, 1.47M)

The gameplay is marginally better than D1 (mostly through the expansion of the nonlethal playstyle) but almost everything else is worse. The story is nonsensical garbage and shits all over the interesting aspects of the original game's lore, most notably when it comes to the Outsider/the Void. The atmosphere is also a regression compared to Dishonored.
I'm not the most knowledgeable about this game's development, but apparently there were some big personnel changes, and frankly, it shows. I still enjoyed it, but it doesn't approach the experience that the first game did.

Attached: dishonored tallboys.jpg (1900x1000, 165.98K)

Corvo's basically the Dishonored version of Turkish/Italian/Spanish/general Mediterranean, since he's from Karnaca. That's why his name is "Corvo Attano".

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I like her, but Far Reach is ass. Shadow Walk is my shit though.

D2 is just too easy on high Chaos since sliding attack effectively lines up an enemy for an insta kill. Combine that with adreneline kill and Emily's chain powers and the final mission is a joke.

>sliding attack
Mate you can just charge up your sword and stab them to get them ready for an instakill. You can also instantly KO them with this too.

From what I remember her personality didn't really gel with her role in the game assuming you chose her to be the pc. She felt like your average purehearted, can-do every girl who inexplicably had lovecraftian powers and was on a quest of vengeance. She needed some darker aspect. whether it be noble arrogance or world weariness. that never comes across outside of the brief chaos ending slide you get.

Did we play the same game? She gets some pretty callous statements towards the end of a high chaos run.

Teen Emily fucking Corvo Moaning "Daddy!" Inside their secret chambers When!?

Never! Don't lewd Emily Kaldwin.

She’s alright, but Corvo’s more interesting and has better abilities. My gripe with her is, like another user said, is the retcons.

What are the retcons again?

I played this game years ago and can't remember a thing.

There are a few changes made to in-game books, Lady Boyle apparently becomes the lady of her rapist-kidnapper's house (spin-off book, cannot confirm), Delilah is still alive/free with only a handwave explanation, and the closest ending that sets up 2's story makes it clear Emily has a prosperous and safe AND STABLE reign, which is thrown out the fucking window in the opening cutscene for 2. There's also the change to the Outsider's tone, both in writing and voice acting, which was mostly done to make the plot of the expansion only mostly-retarded instead of completely-retarded.

Dishonored always had shit balancing.

No wonder 2 had such a GARBAGE story


So which retard thought it was a good idea to kill off what is clearly built up to be the main antagonist in a fucking dlc

I definitely shouldn't have gone looking for sources. These fucking people holy shit.

god I hate fucking despise these "people"

Didin`t like her that much at first. But after DDOTO, well, at least she`s not like that Meagan bitch. Low chaos or high, second game or first,she`s a must kill every playthrough.