So Yas Forums, how would you feel about a CWC survival horror game
So Yas Forums, how would you feel about a CWC survival horror game
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do i play as megan schroeder?
No, you play as Chris' waning sanity.
>on a rainy night you decide to take a break from LittleBigPlanet
>you go to the fridge to get a Fanta cocktail
>out of the corner of your eye you swear you see him... right when the lightning flashed...
>the man in the pickle suit
A VR in the perspective of Barbara dealing with Christine's delusion while struggling to not drop dead of heart failure would be kino.
Do I play as CWC or a boyfriend-free girl?
Reminder this literal retard lost his V-card
I was about to ask this. Sounds lame, if there were any legit way to emulate living his life, with all his autism, and yet being aware that you are you, that you are miserable and that the only agency you have is the act of suicide, that'd make it an actual survival horror game. Live Chris' horrifying life, or end it?
Sounds kind of funny a decade ago.
That's just sad
I would like more a CWC life simulator where you try to improve his life.
Like, alt timeline
I am counting on ALL FULL Positive Cooperation in this major matter.
Christian Weston Chandler, August 17 [sic], 2009
I thought about a game like this, you just banned him and you're leaving your shift so you have to survive
Alternatively I thought about making a game about Biz Markie where you're hanging with your friends checking out girls, but when you say one is good enough for you he runs off to grab his piano and chases you around the park to tell you his story about the girl who turned him down.
The only thing warning you of his presence is the first 4 notes of "you got what I need" and you must escape before hearing the song again someone free me from this fucking song stuck in my head
Maybe he'd have different phases, first he'd be a raging virgin, then a "tomgirl", then a complete dimensional merged version of him.
A CWC game would obviously be a love quest game.
>it was mostly used by Barb for storage
Who would in a fight?
Old Chris or New Chris?
I was thinking more on the lines of RE7 or Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Would prefer an RPG where you fight manajerks and search for boyfriend-free girls only to slowly fall from sanity as you become the boyfriend-free girl.
>new Chris has experience
>old Chris has hope
alright Yas Forums, tell me what he's done recently
last time you updated me, he was being "possessed" by a fictional character that conveniently made him use his normal voice and not his tranny persona
Pure ludo
i wanna play a CWC game with CWCville as a hub where you see chris's life get worse and worse by the players actions
He's getting banned everywhere, COVID is lame, and all the bad things happening are because of a dimensional merge that keeps getting pushed back every week
autistic people should be restricted from using the internet.
>autistic people should be restricted from using the internet.
But who would post on Yas Forums?