being a game dev looks comfy
Being a game dev looks comfy
Looks like hell. You weeabos are fucking insufferable, Japan is shit just as every other country in the world
i would rather drink onions then make my gaming a shit job
plus this video just romanticizes it in real life it sucks and you make pennies
>Being underpaid and exploited seems comfy, bro
Nice try, CIA
this is so onions my friend spent 35k in college to do this shit I feel bad
>Being a game developer for a company
You know there's a reason Carmack left the gaming industry and that's because its a shit industry.
Not only are your skills completely underutilized in game development if you're half decent programmer, but the pay is shit, the hours are shit, the company culture is shit and turnover is high. If you're young and bright and want to make games DO NOT work for a company, create your own team, join a team with people you know and trust on a personal level. You'll be underpaid and taken advantage of if you're young.
Did you even watch the video? That guy does literally nothing but coding all day, how the fuck is that comfy
>implying coding isn't amusing for certain people
Bro, do you even tech?
coding your own game > pile of shit > trans people > working for a company.
this. and they will cut your dick off and make you eat it
I had always wondered why expats in Japan always felt so disingenuous and off-putting and secretly depressed, though they'd never admit it
I worked for half a year in Japan in 2018, and it was the time of my life, so at first I couldn't figure out why expats are the way they are
And yet I began to realize the vast majority of them don't know that they have to change their mentality, actions, body language, every thing, in order to be accepted
It was clear they felt being themselves would work because Japanese are great at putting on a facade to foreigners, "Oh! You're American! Oh, that's cool! sugoidesune!"
And yet I'd often find the secretly suicidal failed Youtuber or English teacher at networking events clearly not realizing they aren't accepted because they don't try to adapt or even learn fucking Japanese
They're rapidly approaching their mid 30 or 40s realizing they wasted their lives in their original "dream country" doing nothing
I don't even know why I'm talking about this, but seeing this guy's channel brought back a lot of memories
Something about this guy and his channel feels far too disingenuous, painting a welcoming, happy image of Japan that's half true
It really is a wonderful country with extremely respectful people, brilliant customs and great history and so forth, but you're only gonna be a part of it if you bust your ass in doing so
I rarely ever met an expat who was happy doing so
did you manage to get a cute nippon gf??
the guy coding looked depressed as shit and that part where he took a nap it came of very depressing I would never work in the gaming industry
Man the catharsis you get from debugging your code is something else. Fucking god I can hate coding one minute but when I solve what my problem was I feel like my IQ just multiplied tenfold.
>8 hours
>all day
None of you fucks have jobs, do you?
I did, actually
Was really cute and at more times than I anticipated real anime-tier romance stuff
Went long distance for a few months after I left, but she just got crazy due to the separation I guess, demanding outrageous shit and forbidding me from even thinking about grad school because of "our family"
Don't regret it, just wish she was a bit more open minded and I'd probably have stayed
Gotta be careful of gaijin hunters though, went on dates with a lot of em
>8 hours
Holy shit I thought Japan was a developed country. Why are their people working that much?
Oh my bloody cunt this is depressing. Fuck you, user. Now I feel like shit
Welcome to being an adult.
and this is why Yas Forums is shit now
Sorry bud, but Japan obviously is a bit too idealized
That being said, I fully recommend giving living in the country a shot if you've got the means to do so temporarily and the mentality I mention
Tourism doesn't count
Don't stake your life on it if you aren't more than prepared to do so
Fuck that. I’m in Germany and I work 6 hours a day.
I’m currently “working” (fuck COVID) as a chef and I’ve been thinking on moving to japan for a few years but you’re not the first person in pointing out that japan isn’t that “great”, its great but sad as well.
Sounds nice what’s your job Muhammad?
Kek. Assuming you're for real any decent Nip girl would play with gaijin and leave for Taro who lives across the street.
8 hours is the standard full-time workday. You'd know this if you got your degree and tried for a job.
Italian and Spanish teacher, Yas Forumstard. What’s your job? 10 hours flipping burgers? Construction? I fucking laugh at you.
>careful of gaijin hunters
being short and fat has its upsides.
I understand how you feel man
But I can't in good faith tell you it will be a wonderful experience, especially if you were planning on teaching English since the pay is apparently piss poor
Once grad school's over I'm heading there permanently
But put in the effort to learn Japanese AHEAD OF TIME and assimilate
By the end I was invited to every nomikai and work trip, but at the beginning I wasn't
You get out of it what you put into it
She's the rare Catholic Japanese
What’s a good job for a gaijin
I don’t think I can teach English considering I’m ESL, but yeah, I’m kinda young so probably I’d end up finding a better job or maybe starting my own restaurant. Thanks bro, grand intel you dropped right there.
Anything tech/IT
Management if you're at that level in a foreign country's company with a Japan branch
Those are really the only two I can think of
Japanese love foreign food, but I have no idea how the visa process would work for starting your own restaurant Besides that I dunno, lots of English teachers and Indian convenience store workers
Some of the expats is SJW who try to "change" Japan into their way of thinking. Find them, track them, and expose them.