When is Bethesda going to just give up?

When is Bethesda going to just give up?

Attached: eat_communism.png (601x497, 460.36K)

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>embrace communism!
>by buying cosmetic microtransactions in a 60 dollars game!

Communism is very good/bad (the opposite of whatever you think)
Give me free (You)s

anyone who opposes my viewpoint is obviously a sexually confused individual

please maintain the size of your wound

How the fuck is Bethesda using Chinese as the bad guys? Aren't they missing out on a ton of sales because China will reject this shit?

Now that I think of it, almost all games that use communists as the bad guys use Soviet Union communism. I have never seen Chinese bad guys in video games.

Chinese communism has been in Fallout since 3

So they don't sell it in China?

>since 3
Moron. China was repeatedly mentioned in 1 and 2

trying to delete all the skeletons turned out to be too much work

they haven't really had a major title with chinese shit in it since the pandering shit really took off. the series is still largely a parody of americana so i assume any minor references to china would be censored at most.
i'd call it pandering when they actually make a fallout set in china, but thats not happening because they couldn't depict cold war era china's culture without it being considered disrespectful.

But a swastika is too far? Why are german nationalists so oppressed in 2020 over historic crimes?


its a fun game

actually genius
I kind of want to fake being a socialist so i could get some of those breadtube patreon bux

Not an actual fallout game though

China were the ones who caused WW3 in the backstory of the first game. Or maybe we fired the first shot, it's left purposely ambiguous.

>fallout's china
>having power armor
by the next game they'll retcon the entire fucking nuclear apocalypse and the war itself

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Just give me the game for free and I'll actually play it Bethesda. Not "free weekend", actually just make the game free. You're already making most of your money from the cosmetics store so why not?

unironically a pretty good scam


not actually fun either

Big difference. The crimes committed by mao and stalin were primarily just the effects of sudden industrialisation. The purges were against opposing ideologies; stalin/mao were trying to secure their power. The nazis, on the other hand, wanted to commit genocide. All their efforts were towards the goal of massacring every member of every race besides whites. While with the communists you have to question their methods, the nazis' entire project was retarded and unforgivable.

Never, sadly.

they have started to imply that aliens or vault-tec started the war

would they even have enough disposable income in a communist society to afford fallout 76 and all the DLCs?

>communism BAD because Yas Forums thinks so
Sasuga Yas Forums

They said it way back in FO3's dlc but they also said don't take it too seriously.

based if you ask me
fuck communists they are fucking retarded just take their money man
fuck em

Communism is bad because COMMUNISM IS FUCKING BAD you retard. (u) btw

Attached: kek.png (1275x720, 52.9K)

>get communist DLC items
>they get taken from you and redistributed among the players in your server

Attached: gettyimages-2637237.jpg (1200x1200, 189.27K)

>Burdering people is ok as long as it isn't jews
Liberals everyone

Why would you want to play a bad game for free?