What interesting discoveries have you made about Animal Crossing lately?

What interesting discoveries have you made about Animal Crossing lately?

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Friend just sent me a pic of the David statue in the new update and it has a high poly modeled dick on it.

plant breeding requires keeping actual punnet squares

I wanna erp this with people on Discord, I wanna be the nooks

There's is no button mashing involved in fishing
You press A once to hook the fish and that's it. No further button presses do anything

People thought you had to button mash?


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I thought I had to hold down A to reel it in, like if I let go too soon I would lose it. I might still keep doing this since I got used to it, but mashing is probably bad for your controller.

kek what the fuck

Apollo isn't just great. He's the best. Just the best.

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My mother was watching me play and she thought you have to for some reason. But she has not actually played the game so I don't know what other people's excuse is. Anyway, you DO have to mash for shovel rocks so it's inescapable.

INB4 the Yas Forums pedo police come in and then drool over how much they love cunny

shooting stars make a faint sound when falling, I always play with very low sound and never noticed. wish there was a way to turn down music and steps

I did. I remembered doing it in the GC release as well. Did it do something back then or I was I also a stupid child?

please tell me this is a ebin misdirect. please.

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>your face when you see dozens of players wearing lewd getups everyday for "hahas"

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Try it right now

well now I feel Foolish, I also button mash when I throw a pokeball in pokemon, I guess I learned it from there for some reason.

Lol get fucked furfag.

fucking owned holy shit

you can make any villager effectively naked by giving them a workout top

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What is the best KK song and why is it Disco?

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discoveries I've made.... it's insanely boring and I wish I could refund it but im not chancing getting Corona by going to the store. I've had more fun with the shit indiy games that are 99 cents on the nintendo e-shop

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t. falseflagger

Wild world

Feels kinda empty right now, but this new update proves they're adding in actual content. I just kinda wish they released the whole game instead of sprinkling content out like this.


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>I just kinda wish I could be a time traveling faggot and skip ahead to each and every holiday instead of playing the game how it's meant to be played.

Stop being mad you can't cheat and exploit timetravel to get holiday items.

>Wanting a complete game makes you a time tranny

You’re impossible retarded

I'm maybe a third of the way done terraforming, and that's only if it doesn't look horrible once it's done and decorated and I don't change my mind. Only 50 more hours and 2 weeks real time to go.

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>Nooooooooooooooooooooooo you can't just buy a whole game and be allowed to approach the content the way you want! you have to let nintenderino gate the content for you on a drip feed!

I hold a and rotate sick just feels right

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I really like this new track

The game easily has $60 worth of content at the launch, everything else is bonus.

Just time travel lol :)

But my turnips.

Tossing this out there in case anyone has them in boxes. Also how is your terraforming going /acg/? Are you going to have to slightly alter for the new additions?

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>-rino poster is a faggot
Surprise, surprise.

forgot link

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I spent 3 hours redesigning my museum area in preparation for tomorrow and I still don’t like it. Terraforming is fucking awful and I wish we had a UI similar to house decorating.

you retards it's hold down and B just like pokemon. seriously though i can't believe people are mashing A lmao. some of them for 20 years aahhaha

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