Is Ace Attorney dead?

Is Ace Attorney dead?

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You are Mother Fucker ?

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(I guess that answers my question!)

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I’m having deja vu from the hambaga thread

as dead as this thread

This thread can't die if I bump it!

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Bless you kind user, have a cute image on me

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It died when Shu Takumi stopped writing them.

Yes, and he will NEVER be in Smash.

6 was shit

Hopefully not, but they are probably having difficulties adapting to the Switch. Hell they might as well just go full multiplat day 1 if the games are gonna be single-screen.

I’m at the end of 6 right now. It’s kino
Take it back

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Yes. Monstet Hunter World makes too much money.


I honestly keep forgetting the trilogy is on PS4 and Xbox. It just feels like such a Nintendo series.

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Switch is perfect console to have Phoenix Wrigth.


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It'll come back. Keep your hopes up...

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>has one screen
Nope. A wii u ace attorney would have been based.

No wonder the games after 3 weren't as good.

>Monster Hunter World

I never thought it would be possible for me to both love and hate a game so much at the same time. It’s an amazing game that I’ve put hundreds of hours into but it’s nothing but shitpost ammo here

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>one screen is a problem
You DO know that the series started on the GBA right? You’re not just trying to fit in, right?

Not just that but almost every game is playable on phones.

Okay? I'm not saying it's impossible, It also has games on Switch and Ps4. Most people in the west grew up playing the DS versions anyway. Do real fans only play the gameboy advance versions with a fan translation?

That applies to the original trilogy but the later games took way more advantage of the dual/touch screens.

I want kirby to go to law school.

God, playing it on PC makes me question how people manage to play that on a Game Boy.

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What makes you say that? I haven’t played any(except Edgeworth Investigations 2 of course) on PC

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Didn't Iceborne bomb?

Super dead.

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