Harder than Dark Souls

>Harder than Dark Souls
>Harder than Bloodborne
>Hard than Sekiro
>Harder than Nioh
>Harder than Ninja Gaiden

Have you ascended yet Yas Forums? Remember, if you haven't beaten it on Hard your opinions about the game are invalid.

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Honestly I feel like playing it on hard only made the game worse and highlighted the combat system's issues but congrats user

It's only hard because half the bosses have MMO design when it's a singleplayer game.

>insanely inflated HP bars and one shots

yeah nah, cheap garbage


this is the only challenging thing in the game

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nah redoing all the chapters again got too boring, skipped to 17 to get the gotterdammerung and then called it quits

and yet, it wasn't even that hard, took me 3 tries before i nailed the rhythm,

>Sephiroth smug face as the picture
Thats perfect

I truesolo'd Righteous Stand on legend. Way harder than whatever singleplayer console shit you're toting here.

Not really, just explaining where the difficulty lies.

I guess it's pretty hard to stomach Nomura's shit.

The real difficulty is in the item ban and no MP refills though

the only real difficulty is having the stomach to play this shit again after seeing how they butcher the end of it

That's hard mode specific, the overall design of the game feels like certain enemies were intended for FFIVX. Jenova in particular feels like that.

>That's hard mode specific
Well OP was talking about hard mode, so

I have to disagree. Playing on hard and learning how the combat actually works has been a much more enjoyable experience. I had a bitch of a time with Rude on normal difficulty but learning the mechanics made him a cakewalk on hard.
I have to admit the only difficulty time I had was on Chapter 3 with the 4 or 5 thugs that take you out back, chug what I can only assume is literal cocaine, and then proceed to gangbang you as Cloud. that's it.

Dart game was harder. Fuck that aiming.
All my PSN ''friends'' started hard mode after finishing normal. I haven't started it yet. Why would I replay story-driven RPG 2 times in a row? I will wait for a few months until I forget certain things, and then I will replay it.

My last trophy was Tifa pull ups that shit was awful, hard mode can get to fuck

Yes, but even with the hard mode handicaps, the game wouldn't be so difficult if it wasn't like playing an MMO where you have to micro-manage the whole party instead of them being played by an actual person.

git gud

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Because its fresh, they'll know enemy patterns.That plus skipping dialogue, ignoring side quests they'll be done with hard in no time. When you come back you'll get raped

>tfw no pic bc last chapter gets blocked
>gets thumbnail pic of smug sephiroth instead
Semi worth it

It definitely feels a bit hollow now trying to casually play the game again on normal, would like there to be an option to be able to use items or get mp recovery after you beat Hard mode at least once.

>Why would I replay story-driven RPG 2 times in a row?
I enjoyed the gameplay and hard mode bosses and new mechanics plus I like a challenge which is good enough reason for me

Again, it's not a complaint, just an observation.

Ah the uncommon stealthy seethe.

would be unironically cool if they had a multiplayer specific Colosseum where 2 other people could join you and control the other 2 characters the AI usually controls

Whatever makes you feel better, I suppose.

Only hard boss on hard mode is He'll House. Not even that hard if we're talking soul-like games.

none of these games you mentioned are hard.went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

Pic related.

I don’t see how you millennials can find something so basic and straightforward like BB and FF7R, in any way interesting.

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It would probably suit the game better, certainly.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the gameplay, too. But I guess I'm that one faggot who can't skip side quests and cutscenes, hence my ''why would I play it again so soon'' comment. I really thought you could use items outside of combat. Now I'm mad because I didn't use a single Turbo Ether or Elixir; I saved them all for hard mode lol.
user, did you really backed up your save just to get 2 endings in a row? You skipped NG+ entirely?