How risky is it to torrent the Source leak?

How risky is it to torrent the Source leak?

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yes you shouldnt download gaben raped my boyhole

Not risky at all no one but the leaker got in trouble over the HL2 source code.

Do they know his IRL identity?

It depends on how HAM valve decides to go, and given their past history in this regard they will unleash their Lawyers (Jewish) like the fucking hounds of hell on anyone and anything. Downloading proprietary code you don't have a license for is illegal, and if caught you will be fined a hefty sum but honestly it will be difficult to hit anyone with that and even if Valve is willing to go for it the FBI probably won't want to bother going that way, but even if they did you could just use a VPN and be fine. Distributing it is another matter, avoid that shit like the plague.

tl;dr - Minimally risky without a VPN, no risk at all with one, and don't distribute it.

My VPN doesn't support peer-to-peer so I'm gonna go in without the VPN. WISH ME LUCK BOYS.

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Yeah Gaben was a faggot and tried to bait him into flying over the US so "he could work for Valve" when in reality the FBI was waiting for him there.
The leaker was in Germany and luckily the German police stopped him just before he was about to catch his flight.

as time goes on the chances that they put trackers on the torrent increases, so get it while you can and get out or you'll be on some valve lawyers list

What? Wasn't that the story or the old leak? Are you not up do date my man?

Very risky. Uninstall Steam right now and only use the Epic Games Store from now on since Tim actually cares about security.

I said HL2 source code leak so I mean the old one.
Only the leaker got in trouble not the people who were distributing it everywhere, so OP is probably safe to download the new shit.

oh yes. that too. jokes aside uninstall steam.

How can you be so sure they will do the same thing again? Maybe they will go apeshit this time. They certainly have the money for it.


Just do it man

Anyone can watch a torrent and see everyone who downloads it. You can get in trouble, but it will be most likely a slap on the wrist(letter from ISP telling you to stop).

You can buy stolen nordvpn accounts off for like $2.



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> but it will be most likely a slap on the wrist(letter from ISP telling you to stop)
Where I live pirating stuff is never punished. You never get warned for pirating or anything. Literally nothing happens. When I was a teenager and heard that pirating is actually illegal and that in countries like Germany and USA you can actually go to jail for it was mindblowing to me. So I will probably be fine.

Godspeed noble user.

HL2 leak was worse for them by far since it exposed the fact that the game was not even close to completion and was a mess unlike what Valve was saying at the time.
Valve was still rich enough to pursue lots of legal in 2003 and basically all of their profits were from game sales back then so there was more incentive, but they didn't.
They couldn't give less of a shit about TF2 and the CS:GO leak won't lead to anything but slightly more cheaters.

Nobody is gonna want to play these games because people will be scared of being hacked and these games make A LOT of money. This is absolutely worse.

It's just hysteria that will die down after a week.
TF2 would make Valve very little money and most CS:GO players are on official servers only at this point, they won't care or even know that this happened.

this. in fact I would even say it's going to be GOOD for TF2 and CSGO. the players will practicially be submitting bug fixes FOR valve, and there will be no new exploits that couldn't have been reverse engineered earlier

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It carries the same risk as any other torrents, you stupid nigger. Which is to say absolutely none whatsoever.

You think it wasn't illegal and the affected companies didn't want to catch you when you pirated those 6000+ games, movies, songs? Then what makes this one any different you retarded mongoloid

stay mad while I program tf3, newb


you know what they say. nigs gonna n...code


Is this real?

>My VPN doesn't support peer-to-peer
What kind of shit nonsense is that?