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Does this mean we get Sally Whitemane in thigh-high boots again?

no she's a death knight forever now

>The Forsaken are an oppressed minority now
>if you hate them you're a Scarlet Crusade bigot
Extraordinary. Another home run from Blizzard Entertainment.

>Scarlet Brotherhood
How many times have we completely eradicated this retarded faction again?

How are there any Scarlets left? You'd think that they were larger than the actual Lordaeron army with how many forces they've shown to possess.

>Princess Calia wed a nobleman of the ARATHI bloodline
She was betrothed to Daval Prestor, who was actually Deathwing in disguise. Incoming black dragon shenanigans I guess.

based and scarlet-pilled

The foresaken is the dumbest fucking race in all of warcraft and is so retarded that they joined the horde from day one
>undead humans with all their memories preserved from the previous life
>lmao lets join the ocs
everytime it involves the foresaken the warcraft writing goes from bad to terrible. every.. single. time.

Most of the scarlet have become onslaught faction in northernland, I don’t think there is anymore scarlet faction anymore especially since whitemana death

>all those unnecessarily fully caps-locked words as if the writer is trying to project tone through written character speech

More than anything else in this screen, this is what tells me the writing is completely gone to shit.

How the FUCK do the Scarlets still exist?

It was the only choice they had, throw in with the Horde for protection from the Alliance and the Horde gets a safe foothold on the Eastern Kingdoms.
The Blood Elves were still MIA and no one could fight through the Plaguelands to figure out otherwise and Gilnaes was still locked away behind their wall.
If the Forsaken didn't ally with the Horde, the Alliance or the Scarlet Crusade would have wiped them out.


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0 Times

We cleared out the entire monastery and every plaguelands holdout in vanilla and then assassinated every member of note AND massacred all the nameless mooks in Wrath. The idea that any Scarlets survived the Wrath shit in particular is asinine.

They're still there in Legion, the Priest campaign sends you there to pick up a Disc priest follower from New Hearthglen and the DK's of course have to steal Whitemane's corpse from them in SM

You can kill a man but you can't kill an idea

>is a pang in our hearts
what does this mean?

There's definitely a secret prince of Lordaeron. You're retarded if you can't figure it out by now.

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I havent followed this shitfest since WoD, is arthas fucking alive again?

Is retail going to die anytime soon?

no but he's going to be in the new expansion

Man, the forsaken are still my favourite, but this nu-wow shit is just sad.
Sometimes people want to play as the bad guys. Don't take that option away.

No, but you can immunize people against an idea through decades of propaganda.

They are straight up bad guys.

Wait a minute.. wow is garbage

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I just don't get why the forsaken couldn't ally with the alliance.
Especially when the alliance will ally with deathknights?

What is it with forsaken that makes the alliance hate them so much from day one?

it has been since after burning legion, probably frozen throne was kinda good, just because it closes Arthas story.

Warcraft died with him...

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