How was it?

How was it?

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Fun, great atmosphere and serviceable story

fun, albeit short, the "dating" options and the ending felt very rushed.

shit, focused way too much on a bad arkham combat system, and felt less technologically advanced than it's inspiration on the ps2.


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Very fun, the city is fun to fuck around in, you get to kung fu bitches, you say fuck you to both the police and scumbag criminals, the story could have been cliche but ended up being really satisfying. also the side stuff is entertaining but doesn't demand an insane amount of time to complete.


Retard alert


Really dig the setting and the atmosphere. Way better than le generic murcan city #37193

I enjoyed the car jumping mechanic for what it was (every open world game needs a gimmick mechanic). Didn’t care for the slowdown triggering jumping over obstacles because that felt a little too contrived for the concept; we might want it to look like a John Woo movie but I doubt that’s on the PCs list on priorities and it’s not a special ability from drugs or anything, it’s just something that happens


Gun aiming was dog shit but it was a solid 7/10 game otherwise, I had tons of fun

My main gripe with the game was the amount of guns. Guns are not common at all in Hong Kong and it would have set the game apart from the GTA series. Guns are rare and special things in the first act of the game, but pretty soon into the game even the mooks are carrying around submachine guns.

Kinda shitty but still pretty fun.
Could have done with fleshing out the city and the driving more, making things like cop missions replayable and so on, but they clearly put care into the game and it shows. It's just a shame it ended up being a budget GTA, but again the more arcade features like action hijacking and the combat are certainly better.

Really fun

Sounds like indian Medic va

I hope that live action with Donnie Yen wasn't fake

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You know how there's Hongkong movies and Hollywood-produced "hongkong" movies? Sleepy Dong plays like the latter.

It was fun beating up other fellow Asians, and constantly getting better at doing it.

great gameplay and setting. dlc was also kino.

It was a True Crime: LA spiritual sequel, so, GOAT

surprisingly good game. wish the dating had more depth though.

Except for the sluggish and repetitive combat its amazing. The driving is probably the best feature.

It's one of those 7/10 games that are worth playing. It has a weird charm. There is more beat'em up than shooting and I absolutely loved that. It's a very original way to clone GTA.
To this day I still want a sequel that will never come out because the studio does not exist anymore. What a fucking shame.

Driving in the rain was great

I wouldn't exactly call it the pinnacle of gameplay but it has charm and is worth at least trying out.

Gestalt is a word that comes to mind.

Most of the systems aren't that good but it comes together to be a pretty good game anyway. The hand to hand combat is bad, the parkour is bad, the driving is okay, the gunplay is bad, the story is pretty good, but all that combined made a good game.

The Hong Kong setting is solid but it still feels too condensed, too "theme park." I lived in Hong Kong for about a month and I think Sleeping Dogs' accuracy to HK is largely overstated. A lot of that is technical limitation but still, it doesn't really capture the street feel.

i forgot about that rumor. i wish it's real but considering how long it's been, it probably isn't.

It's one of those games where whole is better than the sum of its parts.

fucking great. combat is fun, atmosphere is amazing, outfits are great, girls are cute, story is engaging.

Is this the game where you try to get into a taxi and end up accidentally stealing it every time?