"[FRIEND] is now online"

>"[FRIEND] is now online"
>immediately invite him/her to play vidya

Am i a good friend?

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Only if you're inviting him to play the game that he just logged on to play

No, I hate it when people invite me to play before even talking.

Only if you suck his cock afterwards

>[Friend] is online
>spam him with satania images

Attached: 1586145376467.jpg (1024x892, 93.66K)

>"[user] is now online"
>immediately make a satania thread on Yas Forums
stupid satania poster

dumb satania poster

you are a very bad friend

not really, I'd think you're kind of desperate or weird

This. Also, make sure to send him some nice lewds of cute anime girls.

you just said something I don't like so must post a soijak

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kys, fucktard

>ywn eat satania's cunny

Attached: 2A3C7F44-D67C-4E65-805A-474E49F4023E.jpg (522x588, 22.05K)

>"[FRIEND] is now online"
>jump off to avoid

Attached: download.jpg (600x603, 45.66K)

Maybe you'll find that out when you kneel to me, Shitaniafag.

Attached: kneelschwarzer.png (922x1023, 1.3M)

do it

>[friend] is online
>message him
>[friend] is offline

Attached: Debil_GIF (3).gif (500x281, 1.76M)


only if you suck me off after we're done playing

>immediately invite him/her to play vidya
You're a selfish prick. You don't just assume he'd want shit to do with you immediately after he logs in. He logged in to play a specific game he had in mind, not to interact with you.

Start off with a greeting and let him know that you'll be playing this particular title and that if he happens to want to join in, your friend can just send a request to join YOU.

Attached: d69.jpg (600x592, 39.05K)

>Friend is online
>spam futa porn to them


give a guy some time to just relax before initiating a conversation or anything. Doing it immediately after someone logs on is a sign of desperation and is exhausting for the other guy

>tfw you want to remove someone but you can't because their friends are cool

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shut up virgin

>tfw never had someone to call "best friend"

Attached: 1576083837658.png (295x334, 203.18K)

>removed all friends on steam a few weeks ago

Attached: 1576201045219.gif (100x100, 108.53K)

no, you're an annoying faggot

that feel when your internet friend is abusive and you frequently feel the urge to block him but you're so pathetic that he is your only friend in life at all and you can't possibly even imagine making another friend at this point in your life so you just take it and try to focus on the nice things he said years ago and pretend he likes you because you're desperate (your turn)

give me your discord or steam or something and i will talk to you, there is nothing worse than having an abusive friend