Hardest boss of part 2 coming through

Hardest boss of part 2 coming through

Attached: FFVII-00657-Mount-Nibel-Materia-Keeper.png (740x516, 147.2K)

Don't remember this faggot, but I'm pretty sure I didn't have much trouble fighting anything in game. Maybe Hojo, or Jenova, if that? Of course, the weapons were challenging, and yes, Ruby is harder than Emerald. Emerald is hard, but the time limit isn't a big deal.

OP said part 2

Okay schizo

Who is or where do you fight him? It's been 4 years since I've played VII and I only played it once. Isn't Hojo the end boss of part 2? Oh, I think I remember a hard boss, a wall or something. That was tough.

The only reason this boss is difficult is if you run through this boss with Vincent, a shiny new character you collect, and then use his limit break, to which you have no idea the mother fucker does only fire moves and thus you heal the boss back up to full unless you purposefully kick the shit out of Vincent for being a fucking cuck.

Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

user that's not Schizo, that's Materia Keeper

Vincent's limits suck ass, but goddamn was his magic good.
Ah, I just remembered, the first boss to give me any trouble in VII was the Demon Gate. Don't remember this shit, so it's probably just you, OP.

This boss OP is talking about was pretty hard especially if you didn't have any lightning protection.

I always personally found that Robot that Reno calls just before you get on the submarine pretty hard. And Hojo of course.

>unless you purposefully kick the shit out of Vincent for being a fucking cuck

This made me laugh.

Why is does fire even heal that fucker?

All your base, are belong to us. That's why.

The boss at Cosmo Canyon caverns if you didn't cheese him with cure items and spells

This is exactly what I went through

You literally can beat any party member you want at any time with your own guys.

Besides Vincent with his sniper rifle + deathblow deals great & consistent damage during early-mid game. After you get added cut it gets even more broken.

IMO its much better than Tifa's powersoul shenanigans that needs to get her almost dead to be useful.

evolved to hunt dragons

I don't think Tifa was that much of a mainstay in my party. I remember my endgame team were Cloud, gave KotR, Vincent with Mime and Phoenix, and Cid/Red XIII.

I don't remember the Materia Keeper at all. Did it absorb fire or something? I feel like I remember using Vincent LB on a boss like this and he kept healing it until I had to kill him.

i wonder how theyll handle the giant snakes in the murky swamp part I recall they were optional as long as you had the chocobo i could see them making it a pretty creepy part

>implying part 2 will get that far


that's ... so vastly underlevel
just go to Juno, equip Monster Skill that have Beta and farm it

Attached: BXMdp2-CIAIBALN.jpg (599x337, 24.18K)

I hope the Weapons are massive

Reminded that this guy will have like three phases with cutscenes in between where he causes a cave-in and shit like that.

You aren't intended to get past the Zolom without a chocobo, it'll catch you and knock you back out of the marsh.

>implying they're going to stick to original FF7 at all from this point on

>unless you purposefully kick the shit out of Vincent for being a fucking cuck.

Based Hojo.

Is he? I remember having kinda the same HP user does and having no problem with this guy. You can multi-year at first, then do 2 heal when he use trinity.

On a side note, Godo as underleveled is one of the worst battle of attrition you can get in early game. Beated the fucker by making his MP go to 0

Mt Nibel in Disc 1. He can be dangerous with Trine but honestly not that hard.

>Vincent is cucked so hard he tries to cuck the party

Which disc was the Wall Demon? Fitting that it’s a literal wall because that thing was a son of a bitch.

Disc 1 in the Temple of the Ancients

2 I think, it was the dungeon before Aerith gets BTFO iirc

Disc 1, Temple of the ancients. And dunno why people find him hard, Cloud with nailbat and a good setup melts his Hp bar, Aerith with her summons can deal massive damage too.

Vincent will obviously be mandatory during Mt Nibel in the Remake to show off the new party member to the player.

Aerith dies at the end of disc 1, numbnuts.

She gets BTFO at the end of Disc 1

Wow I actually forgot just how early she dies. May as well replay it

The only trouble I remember this guy giving me was that I couldn't just easily BTFO him with Beta like you can with just about anything you face in disc1 after the zolom.

>implying it won't be Carry Armor

just grind ya dingus

I don't understand how 7 was hard to anyone, I could beat it as a kid