ITT: Games that changed your life

ITT: Games that changed your life

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My parents walked in on me fapping to a corpse in new vegas and made me go to therapy.

It's been my biggest artistic influence ever since I played the demo at Target

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The one and only. This shit got me into the industry and I make shitty games fuck me

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>a fucking shmup

kill yourself, you stupid sack of shit

Believe it or not, SOUL is imbued in these games
>inb4 "but they were the Call of Duty of their time"
No shit, but some did stand out like Treasure's shooting games.

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune. Series is a trip

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You are posting on Yas Forums, you can' call anyone stupid.

>Die to the first enemy

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"It's not about the destination; it's about the journey"

How did the game change your life,user?

Ikaruga made me realize I'd never be good at videogames.

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Shmups are interesting, because the good ones are fucking brilliant and true masterpieces, but unfortunately that's maybe %1 of the genre


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It made me realize that some things are worth fighting for and I won't go into much more details than that

I'd never played a game that featured political intrigue before. I don't think I'd ever cared so much about a world either.

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It made me realise that I shouldn't die before I achieve something

Sadly true. I can name them on my fingers
>R-Type Delta
>DoDonPachi Daioujou
>Radiant Silvergun

How do you into Cave? I tried a few credits on DDP, DOJ, Mushi and Ketsui and just didn't into them
I did like Ibara Kuro and ESPGaluda though

I chuckled.

It made you realize that you were a gay furfag?

Aw ;)

i wish i had a game that changed my life man. Ive had games that defined certain chapters and eras of life, but im still looking for a game that literally changes how i look at the world.

>What is Devil Engine
>What is eXceed
>What is Revolver360
>What is Dariusburst
>What is RefRain
>What is Blue Revolver
>What is Raiden
>What is Kamui
>What is Crimzon Clover
>What is Ketsui
>What is Mushihimesama
>What is Touhou
>What is Gradius 5
>What is Altynex
>What is Ether Vapor
>What is Ginga Force
>What is Battle Garega
>What is Giga Wing
>What is Guwange

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Good games list. Ketsui and Mushi are in my top, most definitely.

View every level as puzzles that you have to solve. Most stationary enemies have static bullet patterns meaning they'll always shoot in the same direction. For every other enemy that spawn, you can influence the bullet directions depending on where you are on the screen. The best advice I can give is memorize their spawn positions and try to stay close to them on top of the screen as much as possible and influence the direction of the bullets based on your movement. Learn the "U" dodge technique, meaning starting from top right to bottom right, and then bottom left and going back top left. Also, small taps to reduce the "bullet influence" because enemies will try to trap you and predict your movement.

Also, most CAVE games follow the same patterns really. First 2 levels are the tutorial basically teaching you the basics of the chaining or whatever system is in that game. Then level 3 fucks you up until you man up and learn the enemy patterns. It comes naturally at one point, there are no hidden "rank" systems in their games and it's really all about managing your bombs for the last couple of fights/final boss. Practice and practice.

>battle garegga
>giga wing

Teaching Feeling made my "friends" think i am a pedophile, also saying that i call real women "3D" made them remove me from the group.

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>fuck a slutty 9 year old in her tight cunny
>the "tolerant left" calls me a pedo

Sounds like pretty shit friends.

>What is Devil Engine
Not the best Thunder Force
>What is eXceed
Fuck no?
>What is Revolver360
>What is Dariusburst
Not even the best Darius
>What is RefRain
>What is Blue Revolver
>What is Raiden
Definitely no
>What is Kamui
Yes good one
>What is Crimzon Clover
>What is Ketsui
Good one
>What is Mushihimesama
Also good
>What is Touhou
Please don't talk to me again
>What is Gradius 5
Excellent choice
>What is Altynex
It's not bad, Ketsui was really the best though.
>What is Ether Vapor
Hell no
>What is Ginga Force
>What is Battle Garega
Classic, I forgot about this one, but the rank system kind of sucks not going to lie
>What is Giga Wing
>What is Guwange

>Doesn't even mention Mars Matrix and calls me a homo
Nice one homo

But i didn't even get a boner, and after i saw what "Invite her to your bed" meant i restarded the game and never fucked her.
Indeed. They are on a witch hunt for me when two of them has literal CP in their computers and i have proof of that. If they go out i go nuclear.

changed the way i thought video games could even function as a medium

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Why did you just list almost all the series that exist? How does this prove a point? Retard

>>What is Dariusburst
>Not even the best Darius
user please, Gaiden is cool but Burst's mechanics are far more interesting. I bet you don't even do burst counters.
>Doesn't even mention Mars Matrix and calls me a homo
Haven't tried that one yet.

How are you stupid enough to think that that handful of quality games is "almost all the series that exist"?

How do I into Darius?

Look at the games that you've played in the past. I remember going into many phases in my childhood. I did the beat em up one, then went into full Star Fox into Wing Commander, then Zelda, JRPGs like Grandia and Xenogears, etc. I'm sure there's that one game you remember fondly

Why the fuck have you not reported them already?

the ingame female models have nice asses bro. Not his fault that the only way you can manipulate their positioning is when they're dead

Don't ever play the SNES games. That's pretty much it. Also G Darius is the best Darius.