Which one is it

which one is it

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your mom

Dota 2 is objectively better in literally every way
Your options are Dota or the shitty chink knockoff of Dota designed for children and normalfags


league if you want to have fun
dota 2 if you want to learn russian

both are fun but dota isn't pay to win so it's better.

>lol isnt pay to win u just have to spend 5000 hours playing to unlock all the characters!!!111

yeh no, i was top 50 season 1 and 2 and lol is pay to win. someone who has spent $100 to unlock characters will have an advantage over someone who hasn't spent money unlocking characters, that means its pay to win.

you can get to challenger with a single champion

LoL is accessible and more "fun" but why would you want to play MOBAs over any other genre to have fun?
DOTA is for 200IQ autismos

Both sucks if you are not playing with friends and/or have autism.
>yeh no, i was top 50 season 1 and 2 and lol is pay to win
Not that I believe you, but good thing seasons 1 and 2 are irrelevant. League rewards one-trick-ponying so much that's not even funny. Not to mention most people end up with one or two "main" champions and rarely touch the rest.

Oh, and I forgot to mention they made it so you can unlock champions stupidly fast nowadays anyways.

>he plays more than 2 characters

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dota if you want to have fun
league if you want to learn how to suck cocks

>playing the same locked forced mirrored lane meta for 10+ years straight

>he plays league

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I made a smurf account recently and at level 11 I already have 24 champions and 10k BE

War of the Philippine Heroes.

Ok, I knew it was fast, but that shit's ludicrous.

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post pic


You can boot up Dota 2 any time with 0 hours and have full access to all the content that all other players can use with and against you.

>it's another dota player creates assfaggot bait thread in wich dotards will circlejerk for an hour or two then it devolves into league waifuposting until it dies at 400 replies episode

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Why would that even matter, in league you cannot play ranked from the get go. And if we're talking about a completely new player, then what the enemy throws at you is irrelevant, nobody knows how to play shit.
>then it devolves into league waifuposting until it dies
Let's keep this thread going then.

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>he plays

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Couldn't agree more, user. I play Dota 2 less only because there's no surrender option and I've had too many hour long fuckfests cause the enemy plays the long game. Sure there may be a comeback but goddam its draining and I don't feel like playing another right after.

I enjoyed league when I stopped giving a fuck and just ran whatever the fuck I wanted. Was kinda nice trying to figure out on the fly builds when things weren’t going good or I retardedly picked into counters. I never played ranked either, I feel I would cause some dipshits suicide because I wanted to enjoy a video game and not suck the metas dick every game

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I can't show the full list

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>old league was better
>eventually dota 2 became better
>then eventually dota 2 decided to become nuLoL
>now both are shit

This is the right mindset, it's a fucking game, people (both in and outside of ranked) tend to give too much importance to a fucking match. Got to diamond, got bored of people literally chimping out in chat because of a mild mistake by another player (yes, one can mute them, one can mute everyone, but it's tiresome to see that kind of attitude to begin with), now I mainly fuck around in ARAM with a friend, best decision I've made in this game.

complete opposite. dota is just a worse designed game. no ad or ap just damage. no magic resist just amour. 3 stats. fucking lol

I love playing off brand off meta builds in both games
>mfw core dazzle especially after the new aghs
>mfw playing race car darius (Phase rush, ghost and Teleport)
Though I get better reception from the former than the latter. I get spammed question marks when I do race car.

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lol copied everything from dota 2. the main offenders are champs

lol came out before dota 2

dota has more freedom but it's a pain in the ass to learn and can be frustrating. league is more stale with metas but it's easy to pick up

This is literally Dota,
every game you can do this because items are lot more impactful.
Blink Dagon Armlet Terroblade comes to mid.

To this day I don't know how Riot, specifically pendragon, got away with it. I've heard retarded arguments like
>durr Guisnoo and Pendragon worked on dota (Even all pendragon did was manage the Playdota forums)
when everyone looks back at the guisnoo era of All stars as a weird memey time and they already handed it off to Icefraud.

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>ap just damage
there's minus armor you retard

DOTA2 is more complex, more deep, more versatile, completely free from start to finish, and more engaging, but games can drag depending on certain variables. Also you'll probably be playing every other game with 3 spics/russians, one of which will insta-lock sniper and demand mid or feed.

LOL isfor twitchfags and "epic gamers" who saw other people were playing it so hopped on the bandwagon. People probably will speak all english in your game and not shittalk too hard, mostly because the censors will sweep them up if they do (which i'm heavily against). ALso it's basically P2W, people will say it's not because 'oh just play 20 games to unlock 1 hero bro!!!" but that's a crock of shit and 90% of people just pay to unlock the most meta character of the month.

TL;DR DOTA2 is superior but the real answer is stop wasting fucking time on ASSFAGGOTS retard

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>No magic resist
One of the strongest items in DOTA is fucking pipe, what are you on about?

do u even played league or know what ability power is, u fucking idiot. or do u only play dota 2 and just shit talk other mobas.

keep crying u fucking idiot. the game is made 20 years ago. has no stats. shit items. shit heroes. shit abilities. its worse in every god damn way and plays like shit compared to league


get fucking reported by the enemy team for shitting on them too hard and get sent to low prio jail. seems legit

>turn rate

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A bunch of those come from the free unlocks for early levels and level gains slow down after 20. The newer 50% of the roster cost 6300, so 10k isnt shit. There are a bunch of autistic math crunchers on forums that already identified the new system is much slower. That said, i play lol over dota but the system sucks